Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Another Mass Shooting and Killings

This time in a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh that killed 11 and wounded 6 others including 4 police officers.  The shooter possessed an assault rifle and several hand guns according to reports.  Early reports indicate the shooter held extreme views against the Jewish people and posted inflammatory remarks about them on line.  President Trump gave the standard NRA answer when asked about the attack and said it would not have taken place if there were armed people inside the synagogue.

The President's divisive comments and attacks on people and our institutions ever since becoming President and even during the campaign has brought the White House where no other President would dare go.  In fact both the President and Vice President had to defend Trump for not being responsible for the shooters actions.  No other President has been so divisive they though they had to make such a statement to defend themselves.  Trump and his VP both understand just how corrupt Trump carries himself on a personal level.

It was reported that progressive Jewish leaders in Pittsburgh published an open letter urging Trump not to visit until you fully renounce white nationalism; stop targeting and endangering all minorities; cease your assault on immigrants and refugees and commit yourself to compassionate democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us.

This latest mass shooting and killings should remind all that the FBI reported mass shootings were at their highest level ever in 2017 going back to when the FBI first started keeping records.  And Trump is the one who bragged and said it would all stop when he became President. Well it has not done so despite his usual tough talk.  And to top it off, the mass shooting and killings in Las Vegas in 2017 was the worst of all since the FBI began to keep records.  And it happened on Trump's watch.

All signs seem to say that after the November 6 elections special counsel Robert Mueller will release his report with sweeping indictments that will touch the President.  If that becomes fact, hopefully the elections will provide a democratic controlled congress.  That would justify their actions to hold Trump accountable and return the democratic process to governing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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