Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trump And The Republicans Blame Game In Full Campaign Mode As The November Elections Near

Less than a month before the November 6 congressional elections, Trump and his ditto head party are sending out emails blaming the democratic party for everything negative that is taking place on their own watch.  They are doing what they do best, lie  They read the latest news where their party is behind in the Iron Belt states that Trump won in the 2016 election.

Regardless how the elections turn out, Trump will not be the cause.  Congressional elections are local and in general voters are not thinking about national or international matters but look to what is taking lace in their state.  Plus and a big plus, is the fact that most voters do not have a handle on the issues.  They either like the candidate or they don't.  A good example:  Voters think President Reagan balanced the federal budget.  (He did not, not even one);  The democratic party are the big spenders; Republicans are best at creating jobs;  Republicans are best at keeping America safe;  But the facts tell the opposite story.

But this writer believes there may be a key element in this election with women and the young first timevoters.  If they turn out in numbers like they say they are going to do and actually believe in what they have been protesting their vote may be the determining factor on November 6.  That is when the news media starts its non stop reporting and tries to tell the people what really took place and why.  The spin will take over and distort it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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