Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Louisiana's Republican Representation In Congress Continue To Be A Disaster

The National Flood Insurance Program is set to expire on November 30 unless extended by Congress.  And Congress is on its Thanksgiving break and won't be back until next week.  That leaves only a short time for Congress to act.  It is typical of what takes place when republicans are in control.  The same situation existed in 2017 and instead of passing legislation to solve the long term problem, an extension was passed in 2017 also.

Now we read in a Times Picayune article that Louisiana's senators John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy are pushing to get the extension passed so the new congress can take up the issue next year and pass a long term solution.  The people of Louisiana should remember that the republican party has controlled both houses of Congress for the last 4 years and just kicked the flood insurance can down the road.  And we all know how much Louisiana and its people depend on flood insurance.

The flood insurance program is another one of many examples how the republican party has failed to govern and then has to scramble at the last minute with extensions that do not take care of the long term problem.  Louisiana's republican representation in Congress are a pitiful lot who try and act elite but it is the democrats and their party who has always done more for the state and its people. Some truths never change.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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