Thursday, November 8, 2018

The U.S. Economy Creates 250,000 Jobs In October

The U.S. Department of Labor reported the U.S. economy created 250,000 jobs in October and that the unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7%.  It was the 97th straight month of positive job growth for the economy.  Trump bragged about the job numbers on the campaign trail leading up to the November 6 elections criticized the same job numbers during the Obama administration as weak which were actually greater than Trumps.

In the 21 months Trump has been President 3,882,000 jobs have been created for a monthly average of 184,857 jobs.  In President Obama's last 21 months in office 4,287,000 jobs were created for a monthly average of 204,142 jobs.  Despite Trump's tax cuts and other actions, job creation under the Trump administration has fallen behind the production enjoyed during Obama's administration.

This writer explained in a previous commentary that the job numbers reported in PolitiDose do not include the corrections that the Labor Department makes from time to time to adjust the job numbers and those changes do not affect the outcome of the difference except the numbers themselves.  An article in the Huffington Post dated 11/6 gave the updated job numbers from the Labor Deportment for Trump's first 21 months in office and Obama's last 21 months in office as follows:  President Trump, 4,054,000 jobs for a monthly average of 193,047.  President Obama, 4,449,000 for a monthly average of 211,761.

The Huffington Post article was written in response to republican senator Lindsay Graham's statement that Obama's job creation record was weaker than Trump.  It follows the usual lies that the GOP depend on to influence the American people.  And once again it is PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary who has been on record and ahead of the regular news media to bring to the American people the facts on job creation, the economy, deficit spending and how Democrats govern best.  Trump and his party lie because they have no record of accomplishments.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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