Sunday, January 27, 2019

Part III The Los Angeles Rfams vs. The New Orleans Saints: Aftermath

The aftermath is not going away concerning the no call for those who were so sure the Saints were going to the Super Bowl. For them, it was ordained or the Saint's destiny, even though in sports, nothing is won until its won. Reliving THE PLAY or the game will not change a thing.  This writer believes the following comments are in order.

The "no call":   Owners and coaches are familiar with NFL rules and regulations and that there are loop holes in them that need to be addressed.  They also have known for years that many mistakes have been made by the refs where the NFL officials acknowledge those mistakes but there are no remedy in the rules.  And the Saint's owner, coach and players knew that there were no remedy for the so called "no call."  So its up to the owners to see that necessary changes to the rules have to be made.  They know a "no call" could be made in a game before it takes place.

The best comment in the aftermath of the game came from the Rams offense tackle Andrew Whitworth in a Times Picayune article dated 1/25/19.  Whitworth, a native of Monroe, Louisiana who played on LSU's national championship team some years ago said the reaction to the "no call" was sour grapes and gave a number of reasons why in his comments.  Whitworth, although a Ram player surely has some feelings for the Saints and Louisiana football in general and is not just sounding off to protect the Rams victory.  I would encourage those who missed his article to go on line and read his comments.  They were thought out and presented another side to the story.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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