Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Latest Mass Killings in Virginia Beach

Yes, another mass shooting and killing took place on President Trump's watch.  Trump, the Presidential candidate in 2016 who blamed President Obama for all the mass shootings and said it would all come to an end when he took office, now finds himself presiding over a record number of mass shootings and killings.  And like his rhetoric about Mexico paying for his WALL, his phony rhetoric on mass shootings and killings has come back full circle.  There were 12 people killed in the Virginia Beach shootings.

Virginia's governor has called for a special session of the states general assembly to take up the matter of gun control in light of what happened.  The news media noted that the republican party in the Virginia state legislature has blocked previous attempts to address gun violence.  The people in Virginia will have great input this time around and will not be bullied by the NRA, the gun lobby or the republicans.

The NRA and republicans have used the cliché for years that guns do not kill people, people kill people.  But just recently, people who fall for such simple minded self serving statements had a wake up call and from an unusual source.  In a Beetle Baily cartoon in the Times Picayune news paper, Beetle asked Sarge:  How come we take guns to war when guns do not kill people?  The cartoon illustrates just how phony the NRA-republican slogan has become.

No one knows at this time what the special session in Virginia will adopt or produce but it could be an important step to real reform of gun laws that are necessary to reduce the killing of so many innocent people.  The courts have upheld changes that several states have made to strengthen gun laws and that is the best way to defeat the NRA and the republicans who have allowed the NRA to write gun laws in the past.

Time and extreme positions provide an avenue for common sense solutions to emerge and come to the forefront.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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