Friday, June 14, 2019

The Traitor Is Still Among Us: And He Is Still President of The United States

President Trump continues his traitorous acts and betrayed the country, the Presidency and his oath of office once again Wednesday when he declared he would accept dirt on a political opponent supplied by a foreign government and that he would not report such contact to the FBI.  Never mind that there are laws that forbid that and that the President is the chief law enforcement officer for the country.

The President swore on the bible that he would enforce and uphold the laws of the country and the constitution and has instead raped them.  That is an impeachable act and a despicable cowardly act by the President and should be the final nail in his impeachment coffin.  The country can wait no longer to bring this mentally unfit President to justice.  The President's actions confirm just how willing Trump was in allowing his campaign and family members to meet with Russia during the 2016 Presidential election to secure dirt on Hillary Clinton and help him get elected.  And his asking Russia to find Clinton's emails was a betrayal.  And at the time PolitiDose led the way calling Trump's actions traitorous.  The regular media paid no attention at the time of the implications of Trump's act.

And all the while the republican party, especially those in congress have marched lock step with the traitor and continue to enable him today.  Their extremism and Trump's anti American actions go hand in hand and are a disgrace.  The voting public should  remember this malignancy in the 2020 election and should demand they be held accountable now.  America has lived through some bad political times in its past history but never with such a corrupted President and party willing to undue the rule of law with such traitorous acts for the benefit of themselves.

It is the right time for the democrats to end the Presidency of this mentally unfit President and see that procedures are in place for his prosecution after he leaves office  That will send a signal for future Trumps who try to test the system.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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