Sunday, June 2, 2019

The U.S. House of Representatives Must Start Impeachment Procedures Against President Trump Now

Enough has been said by those pundits who oppose any impeachment inquiry into the administration of President Donald Trump, especially those who say impeachment is not supported by the public, those who actually vote or because the republican controlled U.S. Senate would never vote to convict Trump.  None of that really matter because it is the U.S. House responsibility to discharge their duties and hold the President accountable for his actions that disregard the constitution and the rule of law that he swore to uphold and defend.  The House's oversight responsibility in this case is paramount.

Everyone knows enough about Mueller's report and Trump's ongoing tactics of obstruction and personal attacks against Mueller and others who have testified against the President and the public knows enough about Trump's lies that just roll out his mouth.  Everyone also knows about the hundreds of attorneys, judges, former prosecutors, former Presidential lawyers, constitutional lawyers and many other professional people who have written or talked about Mueller's report and their belief that Trump obstructed justice on more than one occasion and other impeachable offenses.

The side shows that speculate on the so called negative side effects of impeachment is only that, a side show.  The most important thing for the country, our institutions, way of life and upholding the rule of law and political process is a President who takes the oath of office live up to that oath and a congress that execute its responsibility to hold the President accountable.  The present congress can not stand by and allow Trump to destroy the checks and balances of our democracy and rule like a king.

This is the time for courage and the U.S. House must start the impeachment process against President Trump and see it to completion.  There is no issue of greater importance.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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