Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Republican Controlled U.S. Senate Continues Its Failure To Lead.

Once again the U.S. Senate had to pass a CR stopgap funding bill to keep the federal government running thru November 21st because they failed to address and pass a long term spending bill before the government's fiscal year ends September 30.  The democratic controlled U.S. House did its part months ago when they passed 10 funding bills that are long term without the need of a stopgap measure but the republicans in the U.S. Senate failed to act on those bills.

The republicans failure to act last year on the same problem resulted in the longest ever shut down of the federal government which lasted from December 22nd to January 25, 2019.  And the shutdown began when the republicans controlled both houses of congress and the Presidency.  The absence of republican leadership in running the country should be a warning to all Americans.  The answer to their failure is to always blame someone else.  That is how the republican party governs.

The evidence is clear why budget deficits always soar on the republicans watch any why budget surpluses and deficit reduction takes place on the democratic watch.  The  news is not new for those who follow politics or for those who read and follow PolitiDose.  But for those who follow the false republican talking points, shame on them.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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