Monday, October 28, 2019

Hillary Clinton Cleared Once Again Concerning Her E-Mails.

"Lock her Up" Trump and the republicans chant went down in flames once again last week when another investigation of her emails was released by The State Department.  The report found no criminal activity by Clinton or no one else concerning Hillary's emails.  This State Department investigation was pushed by republican U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, one of the many republicans who accused Hillary of criminal wrong doing and a cover up.  Trump picked up on the lies during the 2016 Presidential campaign, tried to use them against her as did Russia on social media.

Two previous republican controlled committees investigated Hillary's emails during President Obama's term in office ended the same way exposing the republican lies.  So all that is left is what was already known, that is, Hillary used a private email server for some of her emails instead of the state department's server.  But so did some cabinet members in President Bush and President Trump's administration that has been made public.

And once again, facts prove how Hillary Clinton is such a better person and a better public servant than the Trump-republican liars.  And after 33 months in office, the trumpet man is still afraid to make his tax returns public.  It speaks loud and clear about his corruption and his coward mentality.  Plus Trump has earned the chant, "Lock HIM Up."

Hillary Clinton contributions to the country and the people will  live on while Trump and his party's lies will die at the bottom of the sewer where they dwell.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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