Monday, December 16, 2019

The Democratic Party Improved Trump's Trade Agreement With Canada and Mexico (USMCA)

The democratic controlled U.S. House has been working on improving Trump's trade agreement since they won back the HOUSE  and took control in January 2019.  The changes that Trump announced he approved gives labor a broader responsibility, an additional say so and more protection.  It is a significant improvement over the original agreement proposed by the administration.  Trump remarked after announcing the new deal, the revamped trade pact will be great for the United States.

When the trade agreement was signed by all three parties in September 2018, Trump said it would immediately be sent to congress for approval.  At the time both houses of congress were controlled by the republican party but they failed to act.  So when the democrats took control of the HOUSE in January 2019, they went to work on the agreement timely, had many meetings and even sent their staff to Mexico to deal with the matter.  And after much discussions with those concerned, Trump and the democrats came to agreement.

But the republican controlled Senate said they would not take up the matter until after impeachment.  They did nothing on the agreement for the past 15 months and now say they can not handle the trade issue and impeachment at the same time.  Their do nothing party continues to turn their backs on the issue.  Yes my fellow Americans, the democratic party continue to lead a heavy schedule while the republicans in the Senate are only concerned about confirming Trump's judicial nominees.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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