Sunday, January 5, 2020

Another First For PolitiDose

If any one thinks Mark Ballard's opinion column published in the New Orleans Advocate of 1/5/20  concerning tort reform and auto insurance rates sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose commentary a week or so ago.  And if more people realize the "fake news" tort reform story of Louisiana's republicans and start to speak out, such so called "tort reform" will be dead on arrival in the state legislature.

Mr. Ballard points out the obvious reasons why the Insurance Industry themselves do not think tort reform will in fact lower automobile insurance rates.  Louisiana's republican party in the state legislature have little to no credibility on just about everything they touch.  Beside tort reform, their latest 'fake news" is to withhold from the Governor, the estimated revenue numbers projected for the state's fiscal year that begins July 1.  They want that information withheld from the Governor for their own selfish reasons and try to sabotage the Governor's fiscal budget plans.

When one thinks about the do nothing republicans in the U.S. Congress and in the Louisiana state legislature it is a party that opposes everything and at the same time can not articulate any democratic values they have or accept.  They are truly the party of an extreme ideology that lie about everything, even to their own base, because like their leader President Trump, they have no respect for anyone.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio

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