Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump Desreve Each Other

Both leaders get along well and support each other's policies especially concerning the Palestinian situation.  And both are corrupt according to those charged with enforcing the laws.  Netanyahu has been indicted and charged with fraud, breach of trust and bribery.  Trump has already had to settle two fraud law suits brought against him by New York's attorney general.  Trump settled the fraud law suit concerning his Trump University for $25 million and his fraud Charity Foundation law suit for over $2 million plus he dismantled the foundation.  And on top of that he has been impeached by the U.S House for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Netanyahu asked Israel's parliament to vote and make him immune from prosecution and then redrew the request after seeing little chance it would take place.  All the while Trump is using his fake news and Senate republicans to deny all impeachment charges.  Netanyahu and Trump are also liars in kind especially when it comes to Iran.  What a terrible situation Israel and the United States find themselves in with such corrupted leaders.  Corruption is the magnet that band both together.

It is easy to understand why the framers of America's constitution established impeachment as a means of removing a corrupt President from office and not rely on or have to wait for the next election to do so.  That is the strongest reason why the next election, which is 10 months away should not even be considered in the trial and vote.

Netanyahu and Trump are the type of leaders that will set their countries back years and in the process, the corruption continues.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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