Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Coronavirus and The Environment.

The  country and its people are learning a great deal about the coronavirus-lockdown and the environment.  Reports from all across the U.S. from scientist and other qualified people are reporting a cleaner and clearer air, water, less CO-2 emissions and a clearer sky do to the lockdown-stay-at-home orders which has reduced travel and the presence of people out side.

Less automobile and air travel has reduced emissions from the fossil fuel they burn along with other heavy construction equipment.  And we know from reports that fossil fuels are a large contributor to environmental damage.  The lock down and its positive effect on the environment supports what scientists have reported long ago, that the actions of humans play a large role in the quality of the environment.  The lockdown-stay-at-home also offers a blueprint for future actions that could be modified where positive changes can be made to improve the environment with out major interruptions.  

Everyone can find a way to drive less and use less fossil fuel with out major adjustments to their daily lives.  The lockdown also taught us how to manage time in a more productive way.  Two short  months of lockdown tells us, we the people can do a lot to change the environment for the better with out great cost.  What we are learning should  be taken with heart at the progress that has been made on the environment because of the pandemic.  It has given us new hope on a great problem where too many people believe does not exist.

And to those who oppose all environmental reform and take the position humans have nothing to do with environmental change now have more proof how wrong they are.  And once again, ideology takes a back seat to facts.  The current improvements to the environment does not represent "Camelot" but adult and scientific thoughts can change the dynamics and over come senseless tactics by those who oppose environmental protection.

?This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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