Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Democratic Party: The Sencible Party on Governing and The Pandemic.

The approximately $2.8 trillion stimulus passed by congress and signed into law by the President became a much better bill than the initial one proposed by Trump and the republican party because the democratic party in the U.S. House and Senate would not move off their demand to include more funds for those most affected by the coronavirus, including the average citizen.  The Trump republican portion was tilted more to the business community.  Trump and his ditto  heads tried to sidestep the democrat's position and even said it was a non starter but then did the about face.

And since that bill  was passed, Trump and the republicans in congress, especially Mitch McConnell said no more stimulus will even be talked about until some time in June or there after.  But they have been talking about it any way because speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and the democratic party introduced and passed a separate $3 trillion stimulus to address the needs of the people who need it the most and state and local governments who are facing large lay offs.  So now Trump and his ditto heads are beginning to change their tune toward another stimulus.  Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell gave them a little push when he said, "added fiscal support could be costly but worth it if it helps avoid long term economic damage and leaves us with a stronger recovery."

The democratic party has a record of putting stimulus needs to work because they believe in policy that relates to the problems at hand.  Trump and the republicans will respond by calling the democratic party the big spenders but that phony talking point goes against all facts.  And Trump and his ditto heads will end their "dead on arrival" talking point on the House's bill and join the democratic party in a new round of stimulus funding.  The Trump-GOP tax cuts of 2017 was an unnecessary piece of legislation and a continuation of the republican folly of the Reagan and Bush 43 tax cuts.

And in the year 2020, the year of another republican recession, job losses, higher unemployment and rising deficits, the democratic party is still best at governing.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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