Saturday, May 2, 2020

Will The Business Community Be Up To The Challenge When The Economy Is Open?

That is the question they will have to answer and how they used their time during the lockdown to plan for the opening.  Was that time well used for an orderly return for business and did they develop a plan to rehire their workers in a timely matter.  We do know many business owners think the economy should be already open.  Time will tell if they handle their responsibility as well as the health care people handled their responsibility.

Small business owners will do their part but the large corporations have a history of not taking care of their average worker and look for federal hand outs while their CEO's and executives are still drawing their huge salaries and bonuses.  The in-equality in wages tell the story and has been documented many times over.  What ever guidelines mandated by the state or federal government should be no handicap for America's business genius to over come.  And during this period of idle time the business community has a pretty good idea what the rules and mandates will look like so there are no excuses.

As food for thought, in the past forty years the best economy that takes into consideration job creation, balanced budgets, lower deficit spending, lower unemployment, increase in average wages, stock market gains, lower percentage increase in the national debt and every other thing part of the economy took place on the watch of President Clinton and Obama and both implemented rules and regulations for the environment and other areas of business.  And both Presidents inherited a economic recession from the previous administration.

So whatever rules and mandates that come about to  open the economy should be no roadblock for business to return.  Excuses won't get the job done.  The American genius will get it done if egos are set aside.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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