Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Impeached President and His Tax Returns

Transparency, those who are corrupt are afraid it can reveal their own corruption.  That is why Donald Trump lied as a Presidential candidate,  a Presidential Nominee and a President about making his tax returns public and then reneged on doing so.  It is also the first time any Presidential nominee or President refused to do so.  And after three and half years in office the reasons are compelling why he refuses to do so.

And now with the election only 115 days away, Trump still refuses to be honest with the voters for a second time and snubs their right to know about his financial dealings.  But thanks to the Mueller report, the convictions in a court of law of those close to Trump that resulted because of it, the verification by American intelligence of Trump's relationship with Russia and now Trump's commutation of the sentence of his friend Roger Stone who was convicted by a fair trial and had knowledge of Trump's many dealings, one can assume Trump's tax returns contain damaging information about his financial dealings and that is why he had his attorneys take the matter to the U.S. Supreme  Court.  Well, the Court ruled against the President and now we will see in due time, what Trump's taxes are all about.

The habitual liar called Hilary Clinton crooked during the 2016 Presidential campaign but Clinton over the course of her political life has released for the public almost 40 years of her tax returns and was always transparent.  She even testified before the republican controlled congress concerning her emails and Benghazi on a voluntary basis and did not seek immunity.  She had nothing to hide and the record speaks clear.  But Trump has every thing to hide by ordering his staff not to testify before congress investigations of his dealings.  The President of the United States is a coward and has no courage or integrity.  It is also telling who the crooked one was and still is.

Its doubtful that Trump's taxes will be released before the November elections but the American people have witnessed Trump's corruption and should realize the damage he has inflicted on America.  On November 3, Donald Trump can be removed from office in the best possible tradition by being rejected by the voters he lied to and those that have enough of his un-American actions.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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