Monday, August 3, 2020

Its Past Time To Sunset The Presidential Debates.

And it has been that way for a long period of time.  Because they have out lived their usefulness in today's media world of spin and ill informed moderators with their redundant questions and ignorance concerning the subject matter.  The debates are a circus out of control and lack credibility.  And now once again, this years debate will have a sitting President who is a serial liar who is incapable of telling the people the truth. 

So how do you debate a liar?  His opponent will not let him get away with lying so the debate is going to end up being about lies back and forth.  That will not produce any new information since everyone is well aware of the President's lies.  The news media in general and the moderators have become void of substance and professionalism in order to fill up time.  They have saturated the news with Trump headlines since the 2016 campaign and ignored those in politics who have contributed and offered real solutions to the problems facing the country.

The debates are "sound bites and catch alls" which is no help to the viewing public to evaluate what a candidate would do under certain conditions.  And  trademark personal attacks by Trump are acceptable by moderators as answers to questions.   After living in Trump's world of personal attacks and blame for the past three and half years it will be a boring event.  The American people are familiar with the President and Joe Biden and the country does not need a third pandemic called the "debates."

Two pandemics are enough.  The coronavirus pandemic and of course Trump is a pandemic all by himself that can only be treated by his removal from the White House in the November elections.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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