Friday, May 6, 2022

President Harry Truman's Address in 1948 Are Words Of Wisdom For The Present Challenges Facing The United States.

President Truman on October 13th 1948 spoke at the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium in Minnesota and gave a campaign address that is viable today 74 years later.  President Truman knew the republican party well and called them the Wall Street Republicans, a description they have earned over the past 74 years.  The President's address covered a lot of territory and below are quoted some of his remarks the readers are sure to understand that address many of the issues being talked about today.

                                                              REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT

The Republican party either corrupts its liberals or it expels them.  It drove out Teddy Roosvelt in 1912.  It drove out fighting Bob LaFollette of Wisconsin in 1924.

It was the Democratic party of Franklin Roosevelt, not the Republican party, that held out the hand of welcome to Floyd. B Olson and to that hero of progressive idealism George Norris of Nebraska.

True liberalism is more than a matter of words.  It demands more than just sound effects.  It cannot hide behind the catch phrases of the Republican candidate for President-catch phrases like "unity and efficiency."  Unity for what cause?  Efficiency for what purpose?  I wonder.

The American people in this critical year, are entitled to a full and open discussion of the issues.  They are not getting it from the Republican candidate for President.

Thomas Jefferson did not seek unity by concealing the real issues between himself and Alexander Hamilton.  He made the issue clear, so that the people could reach a decision.  And their decision determined that democracy rather than autocracy should prevail in this great country of ours.

Abraham Lincoln did not seek unity with Stephen A. Douglas.  He made it clear that this Nation could not continue to exist half slave and half free.

Franklin D. Roosvelt in 1933, did not seek unity with the economic loyalists.  He proposed the New Deal.

And today, I do not seek unity by concealing the issues between me and the special privilege groups that control the Republican Party.

I never will seek that sort of unity.

Real unity is behind basic principles and concrete programs.  Real unity cannot be achieved without a definition of the issues, and a decision by the American people.

But I serve notice here and now that I shall feel at liberty to correct distortions and keep the record straight.

We did not  have unity in foreign policy in 1940.  Even then with half the world in flames, the Republican leaders were mainly isolationists.  They were against aid to the democracies, and they called Roosvelt a warmonger. 

There must be life and hope in government.  We must achieve and pioneer in the great frontier of human rights and social justice.

Faith is much more than efficiency.  Faith gives value to all things.  Without faith, the people perish.

Today the forces of liberalism face a crisis.  The people  of the U.S. must make a choice between two ways of living-a decision, which will affect us the rest of our lives and our children and our grandchildren after us.

On the other side, there is the Wall Street way of life and politics.  Trust the leader.  Let big business take care of prices and profits.  Measure all things by money.  That is the philosophy of the masters of the Republican party.

Well I have been studying the Republican party for over 12 years at close hand in the Capital of the U.S.  And by this time I have discovered where the Republicans stand on most of the major issues.

 Since they won't tell you themselves, I am going to tell you.

They approve of the American farmer - but they are willing to help him go broke.

They stand four-square for the American home - but not for housing.

They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights.

They favor a minimum wage - the smaller the minimum, the better.

They endorse educational opportunity for all -  but they won't spend money for teachers or schools.

They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them.

They approve of Social Security benefits - so much so that they took them away from almost a million people.

They favor the admission of displaced persons - but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.

They condemn cruelly high prices - but fight to the death every effort to bring them down.

And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.

Now my friends, that is the Wall Street Republican way of life.  But there is another way - there is another way - The Democratic Way, the way of the Democratic Party.

Of course, the Democratic Party is not perfect.  Nobody ever said it was.  But the Democratic party believes in the people.  It believes in freedom and progress, and it is fighting for its beliefs right now.

In the Democratic Party you won't find the kind of unity where everybody thinks what the boss tells him to think and nothing else.

But you will find an overriding purpose to work for the good of mankind.  And you will find a program-a concrete realistic, and practical program that is worth believing in and fighting for.

Now I call on all the liberals and progressives to stand up and be counted for democracy in this great battle.  I call on the old Farmer-labor party, the old Wisconsin progressives, the Non-Partisan Leaguers and the New Dealers to stand up and be counted in this fight.

Against us, we have the best propaganda machine money can buy.

With a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress you will have the right kind of unity in this country.

We will be united once more on the great program of Social justice which the Democratic party pioneered in 1933.

We will be united on the question of the rights of labor and collective bargaining.

We will be united for the expansion of social security, the improvement of our educational system and the expansion of medical aid.

Moreover, we will be united in our efforts to preserve our prosperity and to spread its benefits equally to all groups in the Nation.  

President Truman had it right about the Wall Street Republican Party y 74 years ago and the only thing that has changed is the party has become worse under President Trump.  It has become a traitorous party who govern by lies, misinformation and a anti-American extreme ideology.  President Truman's address is a reminder that today, the liberal progressive philosophy has proved the best at governing for the country and its people.

This writer believes that the people should take the time to read President Truman's statement.  It can easily be pulled up on the internet.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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