Thursday, October 20, 2022

Journalist Dana Milbank Exposes The GOP's Fear and Lies Campaign About Crime in America. And, It's Another First For Politidose.

 In a New Orleans Advocate commentary dated 10/18 titled, "It's Just Murder Living In A Red State" Milbank presents the facts how violent crime and murder take place more in GOP led red states then democratic led states contrary to the lies and fears being spread by the GOP and it's supporters.  And that contrary to the lies, violent crimes is generally worse in republican run states.  

And if Mr. Milbank's article sounds familiar, it's because you read it here first in several past "Politidose" commentary that goes back to last year.  It was also "Politidose" past commentaries that exposed the GOP lies about the economy, the national debt, job creation and federal spending.  Dana Milbank is one of the nation's top journalists for reporting the facts and a credit to news reporting.  Too many people in the media are willing to always run with the lying talking points of the GOP and it's supporters and fail to report the facts or correct the lying talking points.

The Republican party is well known for using personal attacks, lies and misinformation as party policy because they have no real policy to govern with and therefore no accomplishments to campaign and run on.  They also have many enablers in the media who act as their ditto heads.  The country and its people deserve the facts and Dana Milbank delivered with his timely commentary on violent crime in America in the red states.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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