Sunday, April 9, 2023

Pollster Ron Faucheux Gets Caught Up In Poll Numbers.

 Faucheux's opinion column of 4/3 in the New Orleans Advocate titled, "A shocking picture of American values, trends" says in his first sentence, American values have fallen off a cliff based on a recent Wall Street Journal NORC poll.  He then goes on to say the survey data cannot be easily explained away.  But being a pollster himself, Faucheux knows polls do not reflect the real answers because questions asked and answered are based on so much misinformation gathered over the internet and social media that the public is exposed to every day.

A good example is Fox News and their viewers.  The network is rated #1 for cable news and for many years running thanks to their viewers.  However, everyone knows Fox news is based on lies and misinformation but viewers do not care and even believe the lies and misinformation.  The same applies to the conservative media in general.

The most important poll to see where the people stand as a nation are the Presidential elections where the vote (poll) is taken nation wide and not based on sound bites.  And in the last 8 Presidential elections, the democratic Presidential candidate won the popular vote in 7 of those elections.  Bush 43 was the only GOP Presidential candidate to win the popular vote and in his second term during that time period.  

Regular polls you hear about almost every week are slanted that change with the wind and are affected by the questions asked which may not be relevant.  The pollsters have failed to recognize the people's true feelings when the popular vote (poll) went against Trump in both Presidential elections and by large margins, especially against Joe Biden.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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