Monday, March 11, 2024

President Joe Biden's State of The Union Message To America.

For the past three years the media has filled the news cycle with Donald Trump's re-election toxic rhetoric and the negative voices personal attacks against President Biden.  The media joined the negative voices and also complained that the President was not available for public comment and even suggested that his people were keeping him away from news conferences.   

What the President was doing those three years was what he was elected to do, govern and take care of the country and the people's business.  It was not a time to start his reelection campaign or get caught up in the toxic rhetoric and havoc of Trump or his party's do nothing attitude nor the media's enabling stories that kept pushing Trump's lies and misinformation.  So, with eight months until the November elections, the President thought it was time to act and boy did he ever act.

Thursday in his address to the nation and the people the President made a powerful speech concerning what his administration has accomplished and what more he plans to do if re-elected.  He also laid out how America's democracy was under attack by the former administration, how he opposed those attacks and how he would continue to do so.  The speech was hard hitting and covered the issues facing the country and how to respond.

Eight months before the November elections, the President picked the right time and forum to kick off his re-election campaign.  Donald Trump, his cult party and the negative voices will continue to be toxic and the media will continue to enable them.  In other words, for them, the next eight months will be like the last three years.  The Biden campaign will be the SANE campaign and continue to talk about the issues that face America and the policies that will address the issues.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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