Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The United States is a Friend of Israel, But Israel is not a Friend of the United States.

June 8, 2024 will mark the 57th anniversary of Israel's attack on the U.S. Liberty on June 8, 1967 during the six day war between Israel, Egypt and other Arab nations.  The U.S. Liberty was a Navy intelligence ship operating in international waters gathering intelligence on the war.  The ship was 25 nautical miles north of the Sinai Peninsula according to official reports.

Israel's unprovoked attack on the U.S. Liberty in international waters by a coordinated attack by air and sea killed 34 crew members and wounded 171 others aboard the ship.  Israel said it did not know it was an American naval ship but crew members of the U.S. Liberty said the attack was deliberate and that the ship identified itself for Israel to see.  After a long investigation, Israel apologized for the attack and said it was an accident.  Israel also paid millions in damages for the attack.  Crew members of the U.S. Liberty were sure the attack was no accident.

Israel and its leader have lied in the past about their actions that have taken place when using their military power with impunity.  Just recently during the Israel/Hamas conflict, Israel killed 6 workers who were part of a relief unit to address the humanitarian fall out in Gaza.  Israel apologized later and said it was an accident, but Israel knew those workers were no threat to Israel because they monitor all aid coming into Gaza.

And everyone should remember Israel's Prime Minister BiBi Netanyahu lies and is a right wing extremist.  In 2015, Netanyahu, at the request of the Republicans in congress, registered his opposition to President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, told congress and the world that Iran was only several months away from producing a nuclear weapon.  Well, 9 years later, Iran still possesses no nuclear weapons.  

Israel and its leaders often use the "holocaust" to justify their use of military power with impunity, but it was not the Arab world that was responsible for the holocaust.  Israel has a right to defend itself but so does all nations, but Israel does not have a right to expand its territory onto Palestinian land and build new settlements.  They also do not want to recognize Palestine as a country or nation and refuse to accept a two state solution to the ongoing problem.

The U.S. has been a great friend to Israel for many, many years in so many ways.  But Israel has not been a great friend to the U.S. President Biden is supporting Israel's right to defend itself, but understands that the people of Gaza are facing mass destruction, food shortages and etc., and believes they need help and supplies.  Israel needs to take a deep breath and allow the humanitarian help needed for the people in Gaza that are in need.  

Netanyahu, failed to protect Israel on October 7 when Hamas attacked and killed over 1000 people all the while Netanyahu was talking tough.  Israel and Egypt found a way to come together and sign a treaty that has worked for over 40 years.  The same can be done between Israel and their opponents when they elect the real leadership to accomplish a peaceful settlement.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio     

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