Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Republican Party and Armageddon. Part II

The countdown has begun to the party's National Convention in early July to select its official Presidential nominee.  And it will begin with Donald Trump being the projected nominee.  But along the way their projected nominee has been found criminally guilty by a New York jury of Trump's peers on 34 felony counts.  Never before has a major political party nominated a convicted criminal to such a high position.  So, what will the party do when the convention begins the nomination process?

This writer believes that the party will disregard all political norms and nominate Trump anyway.  Why, because the party has allowed Trump to corrupt them to his level.  We know this because like Trump, follow his directions and blame everyone and everything for Trump's corruption.  As a result, they, the party are corrupt and feel comfortable supporting a serial liar and convicted criminal.

The next step for Trump, his party and supporters will be to push for a pardon using the self serving excuse, IT WOULD BE NECESSARY TO HEAL THE COUNTRY.  What the people need most to HEAL THE COUNTRY IS FOR TRUMP TO PAY THE PRICE LIKE ANY OTHER ORDINARY CITIZEN BECAUSE NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.  

Quin Hillyer, commentary editor for the Washington Examiner, a conservative news outlet said in a May 12 editorial published in the New Orleans Advocate titled, "Rule breaking protesters deserve neither respect nor mercy" referring to the protesters, and I quote, "If you break laws, you are by definition a criminal and criminals deserve imprisonment."  That would also apply to Trump's Fraud judgement and fine in New York, his sexual abuse and defamation judgements and fines and of course his criminal conviction in the Stormy Daniels matter because laws were broken in all judgements.  

In this writer's opinion, the GOP we once knew does not exist.  It has been totally corrupted by Trump and accepted by the party.  If the party does nominate Trump at the convention in July, Armageddon of the GOP will be complete.  As of this writing, the sickness of the party, both moral and mental, no one has stepped forward to say enough is enough and move the party in a new direction.

The future of the GOP is now in the hands of the Republican National Committee at the Republican convention in July when all members can stand up and express themselves.  The voting public will find out if the party has any independent voices willing to stand up not only for their party but for Democracy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

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