Monday, July 22, 2024

Another First for PolitiDose As President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Re-election.

 Two Years ago in a PolitiDose commentary published July 15, 2022 this writer predicted that President Joe Biden would not seek re-election and that 2024 would be time enough to announce his decision.  The commentary explained why the President would make that decision and was published at a time the media, the GOP, Trump and the negative voices were calling the President to step down because of his age and etc.  It was a pile on by those who wanted to see the President fail.

President Biden's letter explaining he would not seek re-election matched a number of points PolitiDose commentary made two years earlier.   Other reasons fit right in with the President's accomplishments that the commentary spoke about.  This writer believes the President made the right decision for the country, the people and his own future.  The accomplishments are already noted in the official records and he will complete his term in office taking good care of the country and its business interest.

The media and the negative pundits will continue to find fault and now call him a lame duck administration, something mentioned in PolitiDose previous commentary but it won't wash.  The President will continue to perform for the people and the country.  In the meantime, the democratic party will start their national convention next month and nominate the party's Presidential nominee for the November election.  The nominee will represent a younger generation of democrats with a bright future for the country who will win in November and continue the progress necessary to keep the country moving forward.   The democratic party will also be united despite the noise of the negative voices.  

The voting public can be certain that the democrats will not nominate a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster, liar or a traitorous former President who tried to overturn a legitimate democratic Presidential election.

And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

To check out PolitiDose commentary of two years ago log onto and scroll to the date.  

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