Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Philadelphia Inquirer Newspaper and PolitiDose Commentary Have a Lot In Common.

 The Editorial Board of the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper recently wrote commentary after the Biden-Trump debate and called on Trump to withdraw his candidacy for the Presidency.  Their reasons why were numerous and concerned many topics as to why Trump should withdraw.  The Board also expressed the opinion that Trump should never have been invited to the debates in the first place and the reasons why.

And strange as it may seem to some, PolitiDose past commentaries came to the same conclusion and expressed almost the same identical reasons why and why Trump was so unfit to hold any political office, much less the Presidency.  And to top it off, the Board and PolitiDose commentary unknowingly, at the same time used the same word in pointing out that "on Biden's worse day, he was a better man than Trump, a better President and Presidential candidate for re-election."  When this writer read the Board's commentary on 7/3, it was actually published on 6/29, I was happy to see a newspaper and it's editorial Board take such a stand when the media in general has sought to enable Trump.

The Board's reasons for their position should be easy to understand by all with an open mind.  It comes at a time when the negative voices of Trump and his supporters continue to show little respect for what America the Beautiful is all about.  This writer looks forward to more positive commentaries from the Board on the subject.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Past PolitiDose commentary on the subject can be read by logging onto: 


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