Thursday, August 29, 2024

Louisiana's Representatives in Congress Who Support, and or Vote for Donald Trump are a Pitiful, Sorry and Sad Lot.

 They not only are members of the first major political party in America to nominate a convicted criminal to be the party's Presidential nominee, in doing so, they approved the concept of a corrupted President and a corrupted government.  The media in Louisiana has spoken about corruption in Louisiana politics many times in the past but never to the level of this magnitude.  

Donald Trump is a convicted criminal on 34 felony counts, a sexual abuser, a fraudster, and as a former President, while sitting in the Oval Office attempted to overturn the 2020 Presidential election with his violent mob who stormed the nation's capitol.  He is also a serial liar whose rhetoric is toxic and violent.

Trump and his GOP cannot walk the talk concerning Moral values, on law and order, on democratic values or governing, on our veteran's sacrifice, on the constitution, on defending our country and standing with America's allies, on respecting our people.  Nor can he walk the talk of honor, duty and country.  Yet, this is the person the party nominated for President and intends to support and vote for in the November elections.  Their shame has no bounds.

Those Louisiana representatives in congress who support and or vote for Donald Trump, display their lack of respect for the office they hold and a lack of respect to governing the nation.  It also represents a future where UNFIT political candidates are the new NORM in our political history.  How sad the GOP allowed this to take place.  And how sad the media never followed the real story of this pitiful chapter in American politics. 

With only two short months left until election day, the media finally needs to speak up to the real issue of Donald Trump and his party's nomination of such an UNFIT candidate and what it means for future nominations for the nation's highest office. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Former President Bill Clinton's Remark Were Another First For PolitiDose Commentary.

 Former President Bill Clinton speaking at the Democratic National Convention this week reminded all just how effective the economy was in creating jobs during democratic administrations.  Since 1989, the economy has created over 51 million jobs and a little over 50 million of those jobs were created on the democratic watch while only a little over 1 million jobs were created on the GOP watch.  

And if that sounds familiar it is because you read it here first in PolitiDose commentary dated 11/5/2010 and 3/19/21.  The first dealing with the time period of 1929-2008 and the second dealing with the period 1981-2020.  After Clinton's speech, the media had to check his numbers out and found them to be correct.  The media, who likes to describe their responsibility as informing the people about facts should be given an F for their failure to do so, especially on economic matters.

 For years, the media has enabled the GOP's lies proclaiming democratic administrations are job killers.  They never take the time to point out the fact that it is GOP administrations that have the poor record on creating jobs.  And the worse are some in Louisiana's media who have been silent when Louisiana representative Steve Scalise has said over and over and over again, that democratic administration's policies are job killers.  Louisiana's media gladly reports Scalise's lies without bothering to lay out the facts.

For the last 10 years, PolitiDose commentary has been there with the facts and also one of the most telling facts about job creation, and that is, President Clinton's administration created more jobs in 8 years than Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump did in the 24 years they served.  PolitiDose commentary of 3/19/21 gives all the details.  (And Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump gave tax breaks to corp. America and the wealthy)

With a Presidential election in November, this writer does not see anything in the media's attitude of correcting the lies with facts.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of Political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Consumer Spending In July 2024 Continues To Confuse The Economy's Pundits.

 The Commerce Department reported retail sales in July increased 1% over June's retail sales.  It was the largest increase in over a year and despite the negative voice's prediction of a poor showing.  Consumers continue to have faith in the economy and spend their money.  In another report the Fiserv Small Business Index of retail sales rose one point in July over June's retail sales and 3.55% over June 2023 retail sales.  That index represents over 2 million small business companies so that community enjoys the benefit of consumers spending also.

The positive July report came out two weeks after a stock market sell off when the July's job numbers came out.  The pundits did not like the positive job numbers and the market had an unnecessary panic attack fed by the negative voices.  And as usual, the market bounced back and recovered in a short period of time.

There has been no consistent data over a period of months for the negative voices to be talking about recession, a consumer spending pull back, massive job losses or runaway unemployment.  Inflation has been going down, so far this year at 2.9%.  The 30 year home mortgage rate is coming down.  For the three and half years under the Biden administration, the economy has performed well and continues to be strong.  Consumer confidence is up in the latest poll.  The negative voices will never be satisfied with an economy that is working.  

The greatest threat to the economy is a prolong continuation of high interest rates.  The Feds have to act now and reduce those rates.  The economy that has worked so well should not be exposed any longer with outside pressure from the Feds.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 


Saturday, August 17, 2024

The U.S. Economy Performed Well During The Current Period Of Inflation Than It Did During The Inflation Period Of The Early 1980's.

 The negative voices of doom and gloom during the current period of inflation 2021-2024 failed to realize their dream for an economic recession.  Unemployment levels have stayed at low historical levels, job creation is at a three and half year record, smaller deficits than the previous 4 years, consumer spending has stayed steady and healthy to keep the economy rolling. 6 million more Americans are working now than there was prior to COVID and our homeland has been safe.

The inflationary period of 1979-1982 experienced higher inflation rates and higher 30 year home mortgage interest rates far greater than the current situation.  Inflation for 1979 was 13.3%, 1980 was 12.5%, 1981 was 8.9% and 1982 was 3.8%.  So, the average annual inflation rate for that period was 9.6%.  The 30 year home mortgage rate for 1979 was 12.9%, 1980 was 14.9%, 1981 was 18.6% and 1982 was 16.8% for an average annual rate of 15,6%.  The unemployment rate stood at over 10% for 10 straight months from September 1982 till June 1983.  That is still the longest consecutive string of unemployment and the highest in the last 80 years.  Deficit spending was increasing, fewer jobs were being created and consumer spending was not moving the economy forward.  Terrorist blew up the Marine compound in Beirut killing 241 Marines and wounded many others.  

The current inflationary period 2021-2024 tells the story how the present U.S. economy did a better job of controlling inflation rates and the 30 year home mortgage interest rates as follows.  Inflation in 2021 was 7%,  2022 was 6.5%, 2023 was 3.4% and so far 2024 it is 2.9% for an annual average rate of 4.95%.  30 year home mortgage rates for 2021 was 2.9%, 2022 was 5.3%, 2023 was 6.8%, 2024 so far the highest was 7.7% for an annual average of 5.6%. (The latest Fannie Mae 30 year mortgage rate was at 6.7% this week)  But if one paid attention to the negative voices of doom and gloom, you would think the sky has already caved in.  That is how bad the division has taken place and to top it off, Trump and his supporters are running a campaign based on doom and gloom.

The democratic party has earned the right to run and campaign with a positive message of hope and a economic foundation to improve on in the next administration.  In the meantime, the media will continue to enable the negative voices.  The American people can change that in November by supporting the democratic nominee and electing a majority democratic House and Senate.  After all, the democratic party has a much better record of governing and a much better record on every economic issue and has the numbers to back it up.  And President Biden has kept America safe.

So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  The average annual 30 year home mortgage rate for the period 1971-2022 was 7.7%.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Past PolitiDose Commentary Was A Prelude To President Biden's Recommended Changes To The Supreme Court.

At the time it was written on 8/24/19, PolitiDose commentary was not about Joe Biden and the Supreme Court.  It was about the Supreme Courts make up at a time Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.  The article described the Court in those days as the THEN Supreme Court and the Supreme Court in 2019 as the NOW Supreme Court.  In the days of the THEN Court, the Court had a majority Republican control 7-2 and those conservative judges were TRUE conservatives.  The Republican majority NOW Court claims to be conservative but they are extreme in their rulings.

The make up of the NOW Supreme Court has taken the Court to a new level of extreme since the 2019 commentary.  In three major decisions concerning The Voting Rights Act, Roe v. Wade and Presidential immunity, the NOW court has thrown out precedent and the "stand by the decision" venue that has guided the Courts.  Those three decisions overturned what had been law for decades.  The NOW court has also violated any claim to have an ethic code as a guide like congress and others have ethic codes to follow.  The NOW Courts actions confirm that PolitiDose commentary was accurate.

So now, President Biden has asked Congress to pass reform legislation for the Court, including an ethic code to live by.   It is long over due since the NOW court is out of control.  To refresh one's memory, the make up of the THEN Court when Roe v Wade was decided in 1973 was as follows:  The Court voted 7-2.  Voting yes were:  Judge Harry Blackburn, appointed by Nixon;  William Douglas appointed by Franklin Roosevelt; Warren Burger, appointed by Nixon;  William Brenan, appointed by Dwight Eisenhower;  Potter Stewart, appointed by Dwight Eisenhower;  Thorgood Marshall, appointed by Lyndon Johnson; Lewis Powell, appointed by Nixon.  It was the Republican majority that ruled.

Voting No, was:  Judge Byron White, Appointed by John Kennedy, William Rehnquest, appointed by R. Nixon.  

And PolitiDose commentary was there in 2019, first to address the subject matter long before President Biden did recently.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

Note:  The title of the 2019 commentary was:  The Republicans, Conservatives, The Anti-Abortion Groups and the Johnny Come Lately President Donald Trump.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Will The Months of August and September Bring a New Light, Or Represent a Change on Trump's Status as The GOP's Presidential Nominee?

 August and September will be pivotable for the political life of convicted criminal, Donald Trump.  October and November are far from the criminal's mind at this point because two of his cases, one state and one federal will resume before the judges hearing both cases.  And make no mistake, Trump is worried.

Federal District Judge Tanya Chutkan refused Trump's attorney's motion to dismiss the case based on the recent Supreme Court ruling of immunity for Trump's election interference charge.  Instead the judge set a date of August 16 to decide where the case goes from here.  Trump's hush money state case in New York before Judge Juan Merchan is set to rule September 6 whether or not the Supreme Court's immunity decision applies and the Judge also set Trump's sentencing date for September 18.  Several attorney generals filed suit with the Supreme Court to try and stop Trump's sentencing on September 18 because of the Court's immunity ruling and the Court rejected their filing.  

What ever results follow those two cases, could affect Trump's political future and could even end his nomination as a candidate.  The clock is ticking and time is moving to a conclusion.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio    

Monday, August 5, 2024

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for July 2024.

 The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 114,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate came in at 4.3%, it was 4.1% in June.  It was the 42nd straight month of positive job growth.  The pundits were wrong again on the job numbers as usual.  The Feds kept interest rates at the current level and continue to act in a negative way despite a good overall economy.

A comparison of Trump's record over the same time period finds that in July 2020 the unemployment rate was 10.2% and the economy still had not recovered all the jobs the economy lost due to the economic recession and COVID.  And when Trump left office 6 months later the economy lost 2.7 million jobs over his term in office.  It was only the second time an administration left office losing jobs since the great depression of 1929 under republican president Herbert Hoover when 6,000,000 million jobs were lost.

The Feds are still in denial about the economy and its strength and have allowed interest rates to stay high despite the cost to the consumer and the economy.  The rates should have been lowered long ago to meet the moment.  The so called economic experts who urged the Feds to raise rates high and fast over two years ago to fight inflation have no clue or economic sense.  If a recession takes place, they will be the ones who lit the fuse.

July's job numbers are down but still in positive territory and one month is no indication of things to come.  The unemployment rate is still in a historical low position and the Commerce Department recently reported employer's ads have openings for 8.2 million jobs.  The Feds have good reason to reduce interest rates NOW and not wait until September.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio