Saturday, August 24, 2024

Former President Bill Clinton's Remark Were Another First For PolitiDose Commentary.

 Former President Bill Clinton speaking at the Democratic National Convention this week reminded all just how effective the economy was in creating jobs during democratic administrations.  Since 1989, the economy has created over 51 million jobs and a little over 50 million of those jobs were created on the democratic watch while only a little over 1 million jobs were created on the GOP watch.  

And if that sounds familiar it is because you read it here first in PolitiDose commentary dated 11/5/2010 and 3/19/21.  The first dealing with the time period of 1929-2008 and the second dealing with the period 1981-2020.  After Clinton's speech, the media had to check his numbers out and found them to be correct.  The media, who likes to describe their responsibility as informing the people about facts should be given an F for their failure to do so, especially on economic matters.

 For years, the media has enabled the GOP's lies proclaiming democratic administrations are job killers.  They never take the time to point out the fact that it is GOP administrations that have the poor record on creating jobs.  And the worse are some in Louisiana's media who have been silent when Louisiana representative Steve Scalise has said over and over and over again, that democratic administration's policies are job killers.  Louisiana's media gladly reports Scalise's lies without bothering to lay out the facts.

For the last 10 years, PolitiDose commentary has been there with the facts and also one of the most telling facts about job creation, and that is, President Clinton's administration created more jobs in 8 years than Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump did in the 24 years they served.  PolitiDose commentary of 3/19/21 gives all the details.  (And Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump gave tax breaks to corp. America and the wealthy)

With a Presidential election in November, this writer does not see anything in the media's attitude of correcting the lies with facts.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of Political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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