Sunday, August 12, 2007

One Down, Ten to go!!!

Republican Presidential Candidate and former Wisconsin Governor, Tommy Thompson, has abandoned his quest for the White House. Going into the Iowa Straw Poll, Thompson had said that if he did not come out strong, he would leave the race, and can you believe it, someone from the Republican party actually told the truth!

This is not big news either way. Tommy had little to no shot of getting the nomination and even less of a shot winning the general election. He performed less than spectacular in the debates, to say the least, and did not have one defining credential to his name. That leaves 9 official Republican candidates, with 1 more expected to enter soon. I actually hope to see a few more guys drop out of the race, so that way, in the debates, we get more time to hear from the ones who actually have a shot at winning.

Well thats one down, I suppose two if you count Jim Gilmore, and 10 more to go. Just to think, 10 Republican candidates, only one will get the nomination, and (hopefully) zero will get the White House.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Two Republicans are yet to commit but both are expected to at some point in the near future; Newt Gingrich and Fred Thompson. I welcome Newt Gingrich into the Republican race as he's the poster boy of the greed of the right. I hate to see Fred Thompson enter as he's the only Republican out there considering running who has a snowball's chance in Hell of winning in 2008.