Monday, July 7, 2008

The Evening News With ABC, CBS, and NBC

The thirty minute Evening News from the above networks is a welcome from the beat of the cable news networks who repeat the same worn out stories over and over.
Thirty minutes is just right and is filled with several different news stories which keep people up to date.  The people learn more on the evening news because it is not dominated by journalists who harp on their favorite subject like the cable news journalists. 
Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, and other shows are repeated at different times every day and is used to fill up air time and not to educate the people as to what is going on.  ABC, CBS, and NBC also have a Sunday show that views various topics and guests that prove more informative than cable news.
Cable news coverage concerning the Presidential campaign is laughable.  The Networks have already chosen sides and drawn the line and are trying to undermine the people's thinking.  I have always followed politics and the news but cable has been a turn off for me for some time.  I am now giving serious thought to give up my cable service since I hardly watch any more and go back to the basic service we had before cable came about.  I certainly can not justify subscribing to cable TV any longer. 
It is a pretty sad situation for America when two of its fundamental tenets, politics and the news media, can not be trusted.

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