Monday, February 2, 2009

Democrats Make Their Move On Economic Recovery

The House of Representatives voted 244-188 for the stimulus package President Obama urged them to pass.  Not one republican voted for the bill.  No American is happy about the federal government having to spend $800 billion in order to put the economy back on track and producing jobs for our people.  But the people do understand what has happened to the economy under republican rule that has made it necessary for drastic measures to be taken. 
Republicans in the House offered all kinds of excuses why they voted no.  They wanted more tax breaks for corporations;  does that sound familiar?  John  Boehner was proud his party voted no because of the belief a unified position of opposition would force democrats to make concessions;  the economy and job creation would not helped in the short term;  they wanted more tax breaks for the wealthy.
If all of that sounds familiar, it should.  Lets rewind to 1993 when newly elected President Clinton sent his economic, fiscal and deficit reduction package to congress.  The democrats who controlled congress at the time passed the package without one republican vote in the House or Senate.  The republicans predicted doom and gloom if the package passed.  They were wrong and Clinton's proposals produced the greatest economy and a sustained record of job creation that any one can remember.  Plus surpluses.
At a time when the number of Americans claiming unemployment benefits is the highest since 1967 the republicans want to continue their ideology of trickle down economics that is the main cause of where the economy is today.  They continue to promote those policies that transfer wealth from the middle class.
One would think the republican party got the message in the November elections but Senator Mitch McConnell, republican minority leader in a speech to the Republican National Committee told that audience the GOP should embrace its conservative principals.  There in lay the republican problems.  They should abandon their phony conservatism and act like Americans.  We already know the conservative record, record federal deficits and debt, a wrecked economy, high unemployment, record job losses and a core belief in using divisive issues to divide the country. 
President Obama and the democrats need to have an American policy based on reality and a roll back of the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy.  The controls placed on any stimulus plan should work for the benefit of the taxpayer and the country.

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