Monday, February 2, 2009

Sean Hannity And Rush Limbaugh: A Sad, Sad Story

Both right wing neocons have popular radio shows and Hannity also has a T.V. show called Hannity's America on the Fox News Network.  Both are going after President Obama since his election but attacking democrats is not new for them.  It is standing procedure even when the republicans ran the country. 
People in their line of work could do so much good for the country and its people but their lack of character, truth and facts have betrayed what the broadcast industry should stand for.   They are so full of hate for the people they disagree with it has warped their sense and soul.  Why do these two spend all of their broadcast time attacking people?  I believe the answer is a lack of character that started early on in their lives.  The cause I do not know but I know they do not act like responsible journalists.
Both men are still trying to sell their brand of conservatism.  They still say the country is conservative but the last two congressional elections and the recent Presidential election proved them wrong once again.  They fail to recognize that the conservatism they and republicans preach is not the same conservatism the people practice. 
Hannity and Limbaugh's vision of America is not the America I know and want nor is it the America our founding fathers fought for and died to establish.  Their ideology is division that along with their conservative allies try to establish.  Wrapping themselves in the American flag is their way to gain attention because they failed to serve during their generations war while most of the people they criticize did. 
Their problem runs deep and they are unable to compete in the market place they serve and which makes them incapable of articulating what they and conservatives really stand for.  That is why they spend all their broadcast time attacking others.  They dare not try to justify their little boy world.
The type of journalism Hannity and Limbaugh broadcast has no redeeming value because it is based on division without regard for facts or truth.  Their bottom line is to divide and sell an ideology that is incompatible  with American ideals and the foundation America was built on.  The content of their programs is an indication of how inadequate they feel about themselves.
Both men have lived over half their life.  Next time they look in the mirror they should ask themselves how did their lives get messed up so much with their phony ideology and figure out what they can do with what ever time they have left to join the human race and be a positive force for America.  Having a popular radio or T.V. show may be the ultimate accomplishment for some but that is not what makes the world go around.  Maybe it is too late for Hannity and Limbaugh to face their problem but they need to look in the mirror soon. 


Anonymous said...

I have always believed both men have a serious problem. Your article has hit the nail on the head. I laugh when both try to tell the people how patriotic they are. What a phony.

Anonymous said...

I would put Bill O'Rielly, Glen Beck, William Kristol,Bret Hume and other conservatives in the same catagory. Keep up the good commentary.

Anonymous said...

Most people have been taught if you have nothing positive to say, you should shut up. Hannity and Limbaugh need to really look in that mirror soon.