Thursday, April 30, 2009

U.S. Senator Arlen Specter

Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania announced he was leaving the republican party to become a democrat.  He was candid in his reasons why he was leaving the republic party.  He said he was not prepared to have his 29 year record with the U.S. Senate decided by the jury of the Pennsylvania republican primary electorate.  Specter also said the republican party had moved far to the right.  Specter's republican colleges were not happy with the move and were not so kind about his decision to change.
There was immediate talk by people in the news media that Specter would give the democratic party the 60 votes in the Senate needed to shut down debate.  That seems to be premature since no one knows how Specter will vote as a democrat.  However, between now and his reelection bid he will have an opportunity to develop a record as a democrat and the people will be able to judge just who is Specter the man.  Is he the man who cares only about his reelection or will his voting record reflect progress for the country and its people.
The present time should  be a defining time for the American people because of all the serious problems the country and its people are facing.  There are a lot of votes coming up in congress on many of those issues and the people will be able to see how our elected officials vote.  We the voters have to take note and see if elected officials vote for progress or vote to retain the status quo.  That is the bottom line regardless of party affiliation.  Time will tell.


Mary P said...

I almost fell out of my chair when I heard the news media talk about the 60 votes this early in the ball game. Is it any wonder more and more people are getting their news from the internet. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

The democratic party is correct in making Senator Specter start over again. Just because he swiched parties that is no excuse to have him jump over other democrats with more time in their party.