Thursday, April 30, 2009

U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu

Democratic U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu announced on 4/27/09 she was supporting the retention of Jim Letten as U.S. attorney for Louisiana's Eastern District.  Jim Letten, a republican was appointed by President George W. Bush.
Senator Landrieu's decision was a good one and showed her courage and class.  It was in sharp contrast to the firing of 7 U.S. Attorneys by former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, which was done for partisan reasons that have come out in hearings before congress.  Louisiana's junior U.S. Senator, David Vitter had pledged to fight the nomination of anyone but Letten.  This is the same David Vitter who finished second on a list of the least by partisan republicans according to a survey by the Capitol Hill Newspaper, "The Hill" reported in the Times Picayune of 4/26/09.
Senator Landrieu noted in her recommendation of Mr. Letten that President Obama said that he wanted to reach across the aisle and build bridges and middle ground.  This recommendation does that.  The people of Louisiana can be proud of Senator Landrieu's actions.  It is just one more example that separates the democratic party from the republican party.

1 comment :

Mary P said...

Class, Class, Class. That says it all. Go Senator Landrieu.