Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Conservatism: The Ugly and UnAmerican Ideology. Chapter III

The republican Presidentail candidates running for their party's nomination confirm using their own campaign rhetoric how the leaders and would be leaders of the party today represent a conservative ideology that is still ugly and unAmerican. It all began after the election of Ronald Reagan that started with the notion that the federal government was the blame for everything and then took on the form of personal attacks against their opponets because they could not debate the real issues.

The present republican candidates are still trying to out do each other as to who is the real and most conservative. They just can not bring themselves to be an American first. Ideology comes easy for them to use in governing because that way they do not have to study the facts of a subject matter and come to a reasonable conclusion. All that is needed is an ideology to come to what ever conclusion is necessary in their little warped minds.

No republican candidate has put forth any plan before the people as to what they would do if elected. All say they would create jobs but the republican party has no record of creating jobs that even compares to job creation by democratic administrations. Just ask President George W. Bush and keep in mind the current republican candidates all supported Bush's policies, tax reductions and exemptions for the wealthy and business, reduced regulation and have not balanced the federal budget in over 50 years. That dog did not hunt in the past and will not do so in the future.

Romney can't make up his mind what he wants to be or what he stands for, Gingrich, the master of personal attacks does not like attack adds aimed at him, Santorum is a divider of religion and was defeated last time he ran for reelection to the U.S. Senate because of his extreme ideology, Perry is just a sorry person and Paul is that steady voice for balancing the federal budget but was silent while the Bush 43 administration was breaking all deficit spending and debt records in the history of the republic.

They all hate government but all have had government jobs at the state or federal level and now all want the biggest government job of them all. With the exception of Paul they want to take the country to war with Iran and once again put the burden on our men and women in uniform to pay the price. All want to see President Obama fail so the country will fail.

They all want to finish the job Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 started of starving the federal government of revenue to bankrupt the federal treasury so social secruity, medicare and other needed programs will be a thing of the past. Remember America the massive federal deficit spending spree of the those three Presidents required the use of trillions of dollars borrowed from the social security trust fund which as of today has never been repaid.

They are still trying to divide the country and its people with wedge issues such as religion, gay marriage, abortion, gays in the military, family, birth rights and a slew of other right wing propaganda. And yes do not forget they lie on a regular basis.

The record is clear, the economy, job creation, balancing the federal budget, paying down debt, low unemployment, low crime rate, increase in the average workers wages and protecting the United States has always done better on a democratic administrations watch. Those are lessons in history that all Americans should never forget.

Note 1: See Chapter I dated 1/30/08 and Chapter II dated 8/2/11

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