Friday, January 13, 2012

Mitt Romney's New Hampshire Primary Speech

Romney's victory speech after the networks declared him a winner contained a statement that the cable news channels never did pick up on and several days has passed since then. The normal evening news never picked up on it either.

As reported in the Times Picayune of January 11, Romney was quoted as saying the following concerning President Obama: The middle class has been crushed: Our debt is too high: Our opportunities too few: That statement actually discribes what happened under the administration of George W. Bush, not Obama. In fact the Obama administration has actually been reversing those three issues raised by Romney. The national news media failed to respond big time. If people in the news media took time to check the facts they could perform a needed service to the people concerning the truth.

As far as the nation's debt as pointed out here before in "Politidose" if Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 would have balanced the federal budget as Clinton did the national debt would not be a problem. Those three President's record 20 year federal deficit spree is the major cause of the national debt being out of control.

The people should also know from Romney's campaign rhetoric that he would follow the same failed policies of the administration of George W. Bush if he is elected President. Once again for people who want the facts, tune in to "Politidose" not the cable net works or the evening news.

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