Sunday, April 7, 2013

Conservatism: The UnAmerican Ideology Still Exist. A Continuing Story

PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary continues the story of the sorry and phony record of the republican party that has been going on now for 32 plus years.  We remember the "fiscal cliff" and the "sequester" and now it is the phony and unAmerican budget passed by the republican controlled U.S. House.

Paul Ryan's budget that was passed by the House just recently is the same Ryan budget rejected by the voters in the November election and by the U.S. Senate last year when Ryan first proposed it.  This years budget passed by the House has a phony provision to balance the federal budget in 10 years.  President Clinton balanced the federal budget in just his fifth year in office after 30 straight years of federal budget deficits.  He did so because he had an economic and deficit reduction plan passed by the democratic controlled congress in 1993 without any republican votes. 

The republican's phony plan to balance the budget in 10 years is confirmation that they are brain dead on the subject matter and have not had a true economic or fiscal plan to deal with the situation.  No republican administration has balanced the federal budget since "Ike" in 1960, that is over 50 plus years ago.  They could not even do so under George W. Bush even though the republicans controlled both houses of congress during most of Bush's eight years in office. 

The actions of the republican's in congress to obstruct is not only unAmerican but is an act of treason against the country and the people who elected them to congress.  Conservatism as practiced by today's republican party has also become more right wing extreme because they cater to the "tea party."  This combination has become toxic for the country and its people.  They no longer represent America and what our nation stands for.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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