Sunday, May 5, 2013

WHAT IF !!! Two Words That Can Change America For The Common Good

There are those who read this commentary and say it never will happen, how naive can you be?  That is because the people have been fed that bill of goods for many, many years and use it as an excuse to retain the status quo.  The Kennedy-Johnson administration and the congress eliminated the 27-1/2% depletion allowance for the oil industry that amounted to corporate welfare.  They did so with the help of congress because they had the courage to change a tax benefit to that industry that was not needed.

So, WHAT IF members of congress would find a back bone and the courage to telll corporate America they will not accept any campaign contributions from them or any one else and develop some innovative way to finance their campaigns with out that money which influence their votes. 

WHAT IF, congress would tell all lobbying firms no more special access to any office of congress.  They would have to abide by the same rules congress uses to see the every day voter.  Many congressmen on their web site will not answser any email message left on their site by the average voter if their zip code is out of the district.  But they offer access to any lobbyist outside the state they represent.

WHAT IF, congress tell all PAC's to keep their money.  It is not needed to understand the issues that face the American people and the country.

WHAT IF, congress would tell the NRA to stick their money in their ear.  (thats ;putting it mildly) And tell the NRA they will not be writing any more legislation concerning guns.  Congress is capable of doing that on their own.

WHAT IF, members of congress had the courage and leadership to say no more to any special interest group or individual.

WHAT IF, congress would free itself from all special interest, do their homework on legislation that comes before its body and make decisions on the merit of such legislation without any special influence to worry about.

No, WHAT IF is not vaive, on the contrary, it is naive to think that congress does not have the free will to change and find the courage and character to do so.  The beauty part of this kind of change is that no court in America can force an elected official to take campaign contributions and this kind of reform would cost the government nothing.

WHAT IF, is reality overcoming the buying of America by the wealthy.  The wealthy will never give up trying to buy America through their money influence as long as elected officials continue to participate in the selling of America.  But wealth would have no teeth if congress said no thanks.

WHAT IF, two words that could change America for the common good if members of congress would stand up, be counted and have the courage and character to do so.

This post written by John Lucia                                         

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