Saturday, May 24, 2014

Another Republican Governor Accepts Medicaid Expansion.

Indiana's Republican Governor Mike Pence has accepted Medicaid expansion for his state according to a Times Picayune editorial of May 23.  The governor is asking the Obama administration for a waiver to use it to fund private policies for low income residents.  Waivers have been granted to other governors and their states and Pence feels certain of having the waiver approved.

This is another example of a federal program where state governors have an option and opportunity to insure the uninsured with in their borders using their own plan of implementation with the approval of the waiver.  It is also another example of a federal program being administered correctly.  And yes, it is a democratic President working in cooperation with republican and democratic governors.  To bad republicans in congress are all about obstruction.

The editorial quoted Pence as saying, We're talking about real people, working people who deserve a better way and that the medicaid expansion will provide coverage that many uninsured Indiana residents can't afford.  This writer says Amen to that brother, that is what the President has been talking about all along. 

Journalists and the news media in general have missed the real story of the Affordable Care Act and the Medicaidexpansion program.  And the real story is that both were made necessary becAuse state governors and state legislatures failed to address the uninsured problem with in their own borders.  They cut and ran because they knew they would have to raise taxes to do so and they promised no new taxes if elected as an election ploy. 

Any time you hear an elected official say no new taxes or that the first words out his mouth is I am a conservAtive you can bet you are not dealing with a 'serious public servant."  You can also bet they will get into the average workers pocket a hundred different ways. 

This commentary written by John Lucia

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