Monday, May 26, 2014

Privatizing Government Functions

It is well known that the republican party in congress and many of the party's leaders out side of congress would like to privatize social security, medicare, medicaid, the Postal service and even the Veterans Administration and other government functions.  We know that because they are on record of saying so and those who follow politics should remember that.

To them the government is too big and not managed well, yet they want to be in that big government and dare not support the checks and balance it takes to run that government well.  Louisiana republican governor Bobby Jindal has privatized a few functions of Louisiana government and wants to do more but the state was in better financial condition before he took office and the people had more and better service.

The privatizing excuse is that government should be run like a business and there fore business can do a better job of running government.  Well, it is business that buys political votes with their campaign contributions which is why our political system does not work properly in many cases.  You see, government is only as good as the people who are elected to run it.  And when a politician says government does not work that sends a message to the every day government worker to not care.

There are compelling reasons why government should not be run like a business.  Government works for the people, the country and the national interest.  Business works for its own self interest, that is why the ever growing gap between the average American worker and the wealthy grows wider and wider.  It is also why business rely on campaign contributions for special favors.  Those who prefer privatizing lack the character, courage and the balls to make government work for the people and the country it serves.

The greatest reason why privatizing government functions should not happen is the privatizing of our elected officials thru campaign contributions by business.  It has become so blatant they allow business groups to write legislation that affects the people's business and they also play leading roles in being the mouth piece for business even when business ruin our environment.  It is a fact that there are times when members of congress spend more time raising money than they do taking care of the business of the government and its people.

Privatizing is not the answer.  What is needed is "serious public servants" who are dedicated to making government work for the people, by the people and of the people.  The private partnership between business and elected officials via campaign contributions has been devastating.  The privatizing of government functions is the final step to cut the cord that exist between government and the people.

Voters should beware of the politician who tell you he is a business man.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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