Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Personal E-Mails At The State Department

The news networks, their hosts and their guest are having a field day concerning the subject matter since it became public.  This writer has followed the coverage which borders on comedy.  The networks/hosts/guest, especially if the guest also represents the news media all follow the same pattern

(A)  They are put out that Mrs. Clinton has chosen her own time line to address the subject instead of the networks time line.  (B)  Her delayed answer will give republicans a reason to attack her.  (that is really comical)  (C)  She has damaged her campaign for President.  (D)  She may have violated the law.  (E)  Its typical of the Clintons.  (this writer does not remember President Clinton being Secretary of State.  (F)  She used private account email to conduct State business to avoid transparency.  (G)  And a host of other allegations.

The networks and their hosts are chapped because Mrs. Clinton has not yet formally announced she will be a candidate for the democratic Presidential nomination.  As a result she has been silent and out of the public's eye.  That has left the networks only the republican candidates to cover and they have been in the news frequently.  Its tough for the networks to report on them because the republican candidates are saying the same thing that Newt Gingrich was saying 30 years ago.  Some things never change.

The real reason the networks want Mrs. Clinton to speak on the emails is they have too much air time to fill up and once she speaks they will be talking about the matter until election day.  The networks and the republicans will keep this story alive no matter what.  Fox news has already named it a scandal when they have no idea what the word means.  If they did they would have called O'Reilly's repeated lies a scandal.

The bottom line on Mrs. Clinton's personal emails at State is as follows:  Did her personal emails violate any federal laws or regulations and if so to what extent.  Will she be able to articulate a sound reason for maintaining a personal email file instead of using State's email system   The American people will be the judge on whether this issue will affect Mrs. Clinton's chances of becoming President if she decides to run.  The networks would like to make that decision for the people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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