Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sabotage In The United States Senate

 Forty seven republicans in the U.S. Senate were signatory to a letter sent to Iran's leaders for the purpose of sabotaging on going negotiations between  the U.S. and Iran over that country's nuclear program.  The actions by those 47 U.S. senators indicate their allegiance is to Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu   rather than the United States and their President.  It is one more example of the unAmerican conservative ideology practiced by the leaders of today's republican party inside and out side of congress.

The republicans in congress continue to try and obstruct the President's every policy, foreign and domestic and are still trying to nullify the last two Presidential elections.  American history escapes their grasp when it comes to governing.  Seven republicans in the U.S. Senate refused to sign the letter and stood tall.  The 47 Senators who signed the letter brought shame to the halls of congress.

Both Louisiana Senators, Bill Cassidy and David Vitter signed the letter and Bobby Jindal said he supports the letter and that he may have been the author.  Cassidy was quoted in the Times Picayune of 3/11as saying, "If congeress and the American people had more confidence in the Obama administrations foreign policy the letter might not have been sent."  The usual self serving statement by an ignorant Senator who knows nothing about America and what its people think.  Those 3 stooges are chapped because the President's foreign policy has kept our nation safe.

Vice President Joe Biden put it bluntly when he said, "the authors of the letter must know, the vast majority of our international commitments take effect without congressional approval."  The recent U.S.- Russian framework to remove chemical weapons from Syria is a recent example.  Of course they know, they just want to wound the President because they can not ecompete with his success.

The conservative ideology of today's republicans is to keep America and our men and women in uniform in a perpetual war in the middle east and allow Israel to have a veto over the President and Commander in Chief's foreign policy.  The President is not going to let those silly childern run his foreign policy.

On a lighter note:  Bobby Jindal, Bill Cassidy and David Vitter deserve each other.  They are one and the same ditto heads and have no positive record of contribution.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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