Thursday, March 2, 2017

President Trump's Address To The U.S. Congress

President Trump's Tuesday night address before a joint session of Congress demonstrated how the President is in-between a rock and a hard place with his Presidency floundering due to his own self pronouncements and lies.  He now wants the democrats in congress to work with him and the republicans  to pass health care legislature and immigration reform.

What a hypocrite.  For the past year Trump has told his supporters he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with his own health care plan and that Obamacare is a disaster and tried to undermine the ACA.  The republicans in congress have been doing the same thing but over the past 7 years.  Now Trump and his party's health care replacement has proved to be only hot air so he wants the democratic party to bail him and his party out.  

Trump's immigration reform has taken the same turn.  His executive order and immigration ban was stayed by two courts and Trump announced twice he would present a new plan only to be delayed again both times.  Now he wants the democrats to work with him after trying to undermine President Obama's immigration plans.

The American people, regardless who they voted for know where the democrats stand on both those issues because they passed the ACA and the democratic controlled Senate actually passed immigration reform over two years ago only to be killed in the U.S. House controlled by the republican party at the time.  

The republican party controlled both houses of congress during the Presidential campaign and Trump asked them not to take up immigration reform just like he asked them not to take up and act on President Obama's Supreme Court nominee.  Now he is in trouble and he needs democrats to help bail him out of his own lies and dis-honesty with the voters.  

The President's address to congress and the nation changed nothing of importance.   What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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