Former democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in a story published in the Huffington Post of 2/27 said the democratic party must be overhauled, a total transformation, attack big business and rein them in. This writer disagrees and thinks the facts say so. Sanders ran on that same theme during the primaries and lost his party's nomination. The Senator seems to have a short memory.
Donald Trump is part of big business and Corporate America and even added during the republican debates he gives campaign contributions to elected officials for favors when he needs them. Yet he not only won the election, as President he has appointed top wall street bankers to important jobs in his cabinet and administration. Voters don't really care as a whole. They knew Trump represented the wealthy.
Trump won the "rust belt" and their electoral vote because of the false propaganda that their manufacturing economy lost jobs to foreign sources. The fact is many of those jobs moved to other states in the United States because of cheaper labor. Trump's campaign thrived on fear and also profited from the false propaganda against President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the ACA.
Hillary Clinton's lop sided victory in the popular vote is proof that the democratic party is on the right side of the issues facing the country and its people. Just look what is taking place now in Washington. The republicans have made the ACA a major issue but don't know what to do about it. Health care is a democratic issue and is a people issue and the democrats did something about it.
The best way to bring big business under control is to take away their special tax breaks, exemptions and loop holes and treat them like every one else. And the democratic party is the best party to accomplish that. Anyone who pays attention to politics should know the issues that the people care about today are not and will not be addressed by the republican party or the Trump administration. And yes my friends it is always a democratic administration that picks us up after a republican administration lets us down. And the same will be true when Donald Trump leaves office.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
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