Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What Will The New Year Bring Politically?

Will the 2018 New Year be a repeat of the year 2017 with a dysfunctional President Trump and a republican controlled congress that together failed to govern.  Will Trump be impeached, held accountable for the sexual harassment that numerous women have come forward to talk about.  Will his regressive executive orders that rolled back former President Obama's executive orders fail the country and its people.  Will the democratic party win back both houses of congress in the November elections.

Understanding the past will be the key to what 2018 and beyond may look  like.  The key is there but some have a hard time seeing because "fake news" has become a part of our political system and the news media has lost sight of the importance of holding political leaders accountable on factual matters and pays little attention to the failed policies of the past and how that relates to the future.  Sound bites are the game that is played.

Our nation witnessed in 2017 how Trump gave up the prestige of the office as leader of the free world on those issues that really matter and make a difference and instead shifted to isolation.  Will the trumpet man change that in 2018?  Those in his administration should be talking about that every day.  In just a few more days 2017 will come to an end and when it does a comparison can be made to 2016.  This writer believes any fair minded person would say America, its people, our political engagement and our institutions were better off in 2016.

My judgement is that Trump and the GOP are taking America and its people down the same failed past with their every action and the gains made by the economy since the great recession of 2008 will slowly roll back to unacceptable levels.  Trump's divisiveness is a negative factor in every way and an obstacle to progress.  Tax cuts are not policy that shape the economy the way Trump and the GOP preach.  The economy needs consumers to spend which represents 70% of the economy.  The wealthy and corporate America already have the money to spend what they want to spend without the tax cuts so a tax cut for that group will not result in more spending.  Just ask former President George W. Bush.

A better plan for the economy would be larger tax cuts for the average American who would then possess more buying power to purchase consumer goods.  We know that works for sure in driving the economy and as a result creating new jobs.  During WWII and some years after, the corporate tax rate was in the 90% tax range and the Trump-GOP tax cut that just passed reduces that tax to 21%.  So corporate America has enjoyed a tax reduction over the years in the 70-80% range.  Is it any wonder
why wealth has been transferred from the middle class to the wealthy and why the pay gap continues to grow in favor of the wealthy and corporate America.

The actions taken by Trump and the republican controlled congress in 2017 tells this writer that the future will look  like the failed republican past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Louisiana's Steve Scalise and Bill Cassidy: A Fake News Editorial

In a co-authored editorial in the Times Picayune of 12/22 both Scalise and Cassidy took Trump's fake news and lies to a new high concerning the GOP's tax cuts.  The article is a sad reminder how much they and Trump have in common.  On the same editorial page there was another article by Michael Russo that told the real story of the Trump-GOP tax scam.

The economic success that both Scalise and Cassidy predict for Louisiana, the economy, job creation and higher wages for the average American did not happen after the Bush tax cuts like the phony GOP said it would.  And of course they omitted that from the editorial.  They also make the fake statement as follows:  STUDIES SHOW THAT PASSAGE OF THIS LAW WILL GENERATE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF NEW JOBS OVER THE NEXT DECADE AND BEYOUND.  However, they can not define what studies they are talking about.  Paul Krugman shot that fake news study down a few weeks ago that appeared in a previous Times Picayune article by pointing out that not only had there been any credible study pointing out such a thing, the republicans in congress never held one public hearing on the tax plan matter to get such input from economist or others.

Another piece of fake news concerns Scalise and Cassidy making the statement:  THEY GOT RID OF SPECIAL INTEREST LOOPHOLES.  Actually they did no such thing and did not name any.  They actually created more by caving in to their own party's demands to have enough votes to pass the plan.  Another of their tired worn out statements they tried to pass off was:  AMERICA WAS DEAD LAST IN TAX COMPETITIVENESS.  Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich shot down that piece of fake news long ago and again recently in a Huffington Post commentary.

Scalise and Cassidy's editorial takes up much time and space with fake news and one sentence in the last paragraph reveals that their plan is just one big puff of smoke.  And here is what that one sentence says:  AFTER MORE THAN 30 YEARS, IT IS LONG PAST TIME THAT AMERICANS TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR ECONOMY, OR JOBS AND OUR PAY CHECKS.  Well, that 30 years goes back to the Reagan administration and during that period of time, the economy, jobs, and increase in middle class wages and lower unemployment had its best years under democratic control.  Plus budgets were balanced and deficits were reduced.  And to top it off, more jobs were created under President Clinton in the 8 years he served than were created under Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43 in the 20 years they served.  And  Reagan and Bush 43 cut taxes.

The article also made a stupid statement and Scalise and Cassidy shows their ignorance when they said:  THE TAX CUT WILL GET OUR ECONOMY GROWING AGAIN.  Well, the U.S. economy is in its 9th straight year of economic expansion due to the policies of President Obama and the democrats in congress who passed Obama's economic plan to move the country out of Scalise and Cassidy's party great economic recession of 2008 with its massive job loss.  Bush's tax cuts failed to do what the republicans promised.

When it comes to job creation the republican party are no shows.  From 1929 thru 2008, more jobs were created on the democratic watch of Clinton and Carter in the 12 years they served, than were created under all the republican Presidents who served during that same period.  Those republican Presidents were:  Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 and they served a total of 40 years.  The same would apply if you take the 16 years of Clinton and Obama against those republicans and the numbers are not even close.  (see my previous commentary dated 11/5/10  on the subject matter titled, Job Creation for Presidential Terms:  1929-2008)

Scalise and Cassidy's article only continues the sad state of elected officials who are so used to selling the American people fake news it has become part of their make up.  And as this writer said long before Trump became President, that the GOP and Trump are one and the same came to pass even to their silence to Trump's out right lies.  As for Louisiana, there has been very, very few benefits to the state with the election of both Scalise and Cassidy.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, December 22, 2017

Trump and The GOP Controlled Congress Ending the Year With No Major Accomplishments

Although all three control the action, our nation ends the year shortly with no major accomplishments.  And their tax bill is no exception because it is a scheme, fraud and a scam.  The latest poll by Monmouth University show only 26% approve of the tax bill while 47% disapprove.  Republican senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell said the GOP's greatest achievement this year is the appointment of conservative justices to the court.  So there you have it, like all republicans and Trump, they know the fake news of the tax bill but have a built in character for lies and deceit.

The three ditto heads even had to pass two temporary spending bills to avoid shutting down the government.  They kicked the can down the road again until mid January when they have most of the big spending to take care of.  They had 11 months to govern and failed big time even though they are in control.

They will now go home for the holidays and tell everyone about their great accomplishments.  But this writer knows that silently, Trump and the GOP are aware that the accomplishments left to them by the Obama administration saved their ass and their sad year of doing nothing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The United Nations General Assembly Ignores Trump's Threat.

United States Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley took Trump's threat to the General Assembly to cut off U.S. aid to any country that went against him in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol.  The U.N. members ignored the threat and voted 128-9 to renounce Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capitol.  Trump's arrogance made it clear before the vote that the vote would have no affect on its plan to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem.

Haley also said the vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the U.N. and how we look at countries who disrespect us in the U.N.  Haley's words carry no meaning since the trumpet man respects no one, not even his own countrymen.  And yes, people in all walks of life know that truth.  Trump's threat is another one of his corrupt attitude from the business world he has often tried in the political world but Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu took Trump to task when he said it is unethical to think that the votes and dignity of member states are for sale.  That from a country who is an ally of the United States.

Trump's autocratic rule is not working well for America's interest because it is just the opposite of leadership.  Leadership is not about getting back, division, or taking sides with Russia over our intelligence community.  President George W. Bush lost the mantle of moral authority when he started a war and occupation in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Donald Trump entered office lacking any moral authority and respect for humankind.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Where PolitiDose Goes, Others Follow

It was PolitiDose who took President Trump to task for his continued talk of trying to divide America.  This time concerning his comments that we can now say Merry Christmas again which was covered by commentary in PolitiDose dated 10/15/17.  Since that commentary a number of articles have appeared in the news media to set the record on Trump's comment.

Father Kevin O'Brien, a Jesuit dean of theology said, Jesus would not care much if we said Merry Christmas or not.  That it is more important to live it than just saying Merry Christmas.  That is to live as Jesus did.  Father also said Jesus would not feel harmed by the words, happy holidays because Christmas is above it all and it is how man lives, treats his fellow man and the spirt of Christmas.  It is about togetherness and not division.  It is about setting examples for children and accepting the teachings of Jesus.  The statement destroyed the trumpet man with out mentioning his name.

Of course, Trump as President and  man has demonstrated his lack of moral values and a disregard for unity and respect, just what the Christmas season is all about.  Father O'Brien's comments can be read in  the Huffington Post and  is so timely and such an accurate description of Trump's sad world.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Russia's Putin: Still Trying To Interfere With American Politics

In a report published by the Associated Press, Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to try and interfere in America's political matters with his statement that collusion between he, Trump and Trump's campaign was invented by Trump's foes to undermine Trump's legitimacy.  The statement comes at the same time Trump is doing his best to undermine the intelligence community, the FBI and the congressional committees who are investigating the matter.

It is almost like Trump and Putin are colluding with each other as this commentary is being written.  It is obvious from Putin's remarks he and Trump share a dislike for America's institutions and that both men have something going on between them.  Every time Putin tries to shore up the trumpet man, Trump always compliments Putin and Russia.  Hillary Clinton had it right in the debates when she talked about Trump's dangerous dealing with Putin and Russia.

Don't be surprised when you see the dialog between Trump and Putin becoming more pronounced as more evidence is presented concerning their close relationship and Trump's willingness to destabilize America's intelligence community.  And  never forget it was Donald Trump who asked Russia to hack into America's email system to try and find dirt on Hillary Clinton.  The traitor in chief is still in the White House.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, December 15, 2017

Arrogance On The Saints Sideline

It appears to this writer that Saints head coach Sean Payton challenges more officials calls than any other head coach in the league and also has more arguments with the officials  That is my observation watching NFL teams on television.  It was arrogance on the part of Payton that allowed bounty gate to take place and that arrogance is still a part of his coaching and was recently displayed during last Thursday nights game with the Atlanta Falcons.

Payton not only contributed to the Saints loss by drawing a penalty from the officials which gave Atlanta a first down and not enough time left on the cock for the Saints to have another play.  His play calling of a pass with little time left and Brees interception this writer believes comes from Payton's arrogance.  The Saints have come from behind in past games to win as they did against Washington a few weeks ago and during their 8 game winning streak.  But many of those teams the Saints beat were not very good teams (although you would never know that if you follow the reports by New Orleans sports writers)  So Mr. arrogance though the game was a given win and he called the fatal pass play that was intercepted by Atlanta.

When questioned about the called play Payton responded the Saints came to Atlanta to win.  REALLY???  They actually had a better chance to win in overtime which Payton passed up.  This writer does not look for Payton to change his arrogant attitude.  If bounty gate could not change him and four losing seasons in the last five years and he can still draw a big pay check does arrogance really matter?  Evidently the saints management does not care.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Alabama, A Deep South Republican State Elects A Democrat To Congress

The people of Alabama went to the polls on Tuesday and rejected a man they had previously supported for many years and 51.62%  of those voted against Tom Moore.  The victor was democrat Doug Jones who received 49.92% of the vote to Moore's 48.38%.  The remaining vote of 1.70% were cast for other candidates.

Moore is a extreme conservative, believed in divisive rhetoric and rejected diversity.  He was also accused of sexual harassment by several women who came forward during the campaign.  President Trump supported Moore and both have a lot in common.  The trumpet man took a double loss in the Alabama race as he supported Moore's opponent in the republican primary and then Moore in the general election for the U. S. Senate.  And as usual, Trump tried to play down the loss.  He probably is still fuming because former President Obama campaigned for and supported Jones.

Doug Jones victory gives the democrats in congress one more seat in the U.S. Senate and the republicans now hold a 51-49 seat majority.  The democratic party is still alive and well despite some of the negative reporting in the news media and the party continues to make its voice heard.   The Huffington Post reported that Moore received the majority of the evangelical white vote and those who follow politics know Moore used religion in politics as a means of obtaining votes.  The 51.62%  of Alabama voters who voted against Moore stood up and said enough is enough.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose

Paul Krugman, a long time professor and teacher of economics confirmed in a Times Picayune opinion editorial of 12/13 what PolitiDose reported long ago in commentary.  The Trump - GOP tax reform plan is not a plan at all but a scam.  He also points out correctly the scam will not pay for itself as Trump and the GOP has been trying to tell with lies and follows the same failed theory of the Reagan and Bush 43 tax cuts that never paid for themselves.

Everyone of those 16 years of the Reagan and Bush tax cuts ended in deficit spending.  Krugman also points out that Paul Ryan, speaker of the U.S. House has tried to sell the same lies over the years with tax cuts and it was PolitiDose who pointed out long ago that Ryan and Trump were one and the same on the subject matter.

It was President Clinton who raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, created a economy for all that produced a record number of jobs.  That happened because his tax plan was coupled with a real economic plan that reached all walks of life.  The poverty rate dropped on Clinton's watch, stayed the same on Reagan's watch and increased on Bush's watch.

Krugman goes on to say that there was no legitimate analysis made that points to the tax cuts paying for themselves like Trump and his treasure Secretary Steve Mnuchin are trying to sell.  The trumpet man and his republican ditto heads exhibit their lack of respect for the average American and the country.  America is in its 9th straight year of economic expansion, the world economy is in the best shape in 20 years and  moving forward, corporate America is doing well and Trump and the GOP want to reward them and the top 1% with even more in the form of lower taxes that will increase even more the disparity in income between the wealthy and the middle class.

So yes my fellow Americans, Trump and the GOP's tax scam is truly a fraud and scheme no matter the spin they try to put on it and when the republican controlled congress passes the plan and sends to the White House for Trump's signature, he and the GOP will gloat and tell the people how great it will be for America.  What a shame that the President and the GOP in a responsible position have to turn to lies in governing.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Economy and Job Creation For November

The U.S. Labor Department reported the U.S. economy created 228,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate held at 4.1%.  It was the 86th straight month of positive job creation and the economy is in its 9th straight year of expansion.  Some economist reported to be disappointed since the November job number fell below October's number of 261,000 jobs.  Others said they see a slow down in the job numbers.

The Labor Department also reported that ten full months under the Trump administration (February thru November) the economy added an average of 174,000 jobs per month and that during the same 10 months under President Obama in 2016 the economy added an average of 187,000 jobs per month.  When and if the republican controlled House and Senate agree on their tax plan and Trump signs into law don't be surprised if the economy and job creation does not meet their predictions.  Precedent tell this writer that it won't.  So pay little attention to what you hear about the economy from TV shows that specialize in talking about financial matters.  They were wrong about both the Reagan and Bush tax cuts.

Slowly but surely we will arrive at a point as to what path the economy will take.  The stock market is over priced and is being driven by the 1% who own 90% of all stocks and bonds.  It could very well become a market that declines 40% or more as it did during the Bush Presidency.  The big shots are urging the feds to increase interest rates and they are led by Trump himself.  The economy does not act too kindly to that prospect, especially over the long term.

This writer would feel more comfortable if a democrat was in the White House leading the country because of precedent.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Why President Trump Hates America's Institutions and Regulations.

It is because they are a protection and safeguard for the country and its people against a President who would like to bring his corrupt business practice to the White House and operate as an autocrat with no checks and balances.  It is how the trumpet man lives his personal and business life and shows respect to no one.

The CIA and the FBI are the bad ones according to Trump because they are responsible for uncovering Russia's interference with the 2016 Presidential election in favor of Trump and now the subject of an investigation by a special council that leads to the door step of Trump and family members.  Four of Trump's campaign people have already pleaded guilty and Trump knows his Presidency is in jeopardy so he tries to destroy the credibility of those two institutions.

Ditto the news media for reminding the people about Trump's every day lies.  The corrupt President who first used "fake news" has tried to pass the buck to the news media.  It was the news media that made public the tapes that exposed the trumpet man's corrupted actions about how he abused women.  He feels he is above the law and can do any thing he feels like doing.

The roll back of so many rules and regulations put into place by President Obama to protect the country and its people against abuse by business falls squarely into his autocrat persona of little or no regulations for business to engage in corrupt acts that directly affect the country and its people in a negative way.

The American people can not allow this President to continue his destructive behavior and should make their voices heard.  The greatest threat to America and what America stands for comes from within and not from abroad.  The GOP in congress will not help because they and Trump are one and the same.  Ten plus months in office and Trump is still the regressive President who created a swamp that is corrupting and UnAmerican.  Impeachment is still the only answer for this President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Editorial Opinion Writers: Out of Step and Behind The Times

What PolitiDose published long ago, editorial opinion writers are just now reporting.  The sad part is not only their tardiness, but their failure to inform at critical times and allow the fake news to take root.  In this case the issues are Donald Trump and the republican party.  In the case of Donald Trump, he portrays himself as an outsider who is above it all.  In the case of the republican party, they wear the self proclaimed mantle of conservatism and rail against federal deficits.

As it pertains to Donald Trump, editorial writers are now of the opinion that Trump and the republican party are one and the same.  Surprise, surprise!!!!!  They have seen the light of Trump and the President's position on the issues since the election.  But readers of PolitiDose knew that PolitiDose published several commentaries during the 2016 campaign describing why and how Trump and the party are one and the same.

As it pertains to the republican party, editorial writers just recently discovered that republicans could care less about deficit spending when their tax bill adds $1.4 trillion to the national debt.  In fact, they wrote about how the party was the party of conservatism and opposed deficit spending in the past.  But the facts of the past do not back that up since no republican administration has balanced the federal budget since Ike in 1960.  PolitiDose long ago and in several commentaries demonstrated how the party was not conservative in fiscal matters at all and even wrote a special commentary about their record deficit spending habits.

Yes, editorial writers should have know long ago Trump and the GOP are one and the same and that the party itself has actually been a deficit producing machine since President Eisenhower.  And yes, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary and long ago.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, December 4, 2017

President Trump and The GOP Senate Pass Their Tax Scheme and Fraud - -Then Claim It Was An Accomplishment.

The trumpet man and the GOP lead congress have been AWOL on governing our great country since they took control of all three branches of the government in January, so they were hard up to take credit for any accomplishment.  And true to their nature and ideology, they are talking accomplishments since the Senate passed their tax bill even though the bill is a scheme and fraud that does not measure up and adds more than $1.4 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years which is in addition to the projected $10 trillion already predicted for that period.

The House and Senate will have to reconcile the difference in the two bills.  The Senate voted to pass their bill 51-49 with all democrats voting no and one republican no vote.  All of Louisiana's republican reps in congress voted for the two bills and little boy Steve Scalise made the silly statement that the bill will jump start the economy.  Scalise is so out of touch and full of it and a insult to common sense.  The economy is actually in the ninth straight year of economic expansion and job creation  and economist say the economy is near full employment.  That, thanks to the policies of President Obama and the democratic controlled congress who passed the President's plan when they controlled both houses of congress in 2009 and 2010.

Over 10 months in office, Trump and the GOP answered the question asked by PolitiDose in a commentary dated 12/24/16 titled, "What Will The New Year Bring,"  A Continuing Story.  Trump and the GOP have chosen a regressive path on every issue facing America and will harm the country and the people in due time for all to see.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Another Trump Appointee Pleads Guilty In The Russian Investigation.

Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's national security adviser during the 2016 campaign  and who was later appointed as Trump's National Security Adviser when Trump took office pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI concerning his previous statements to the FBI in relation to his contacts with Russia.  This is the fourth person convicted by the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Mueller of people who worked for and with the Trump campaign.

According to Flynn's statement filed with the court he indeed met with Russian officials and discussed the sanctions placed on Russia by President Obama because of their involvement in the 2016 Presidential election and also discussed having Russia vote against a U.N. resolution condemning Israel or postpone it until Trump took office.  He lied about both originally.  His statement to the court also said a high level official in Trump's transition team asked him to make the contact with Russia and other foreign officials.  All was covered in a Huffington Post story dated December 1.

There appears to be no doubt that Trump's campaign colluded with Russia and tried to undermine President Obama's orders while he was still President.  That is the act of a traitor and this writer believes a rational person would conclude that Trump, who was President elect at the time knew of and approved those contacts by Flynn.  It fits in with Trumps asking FBI director James Comey to drop his investigation of Flynn and the most recent disclosure that Trump asked the republican controlled Senate Investigation Committee to end its hearings into the  Russian collusion matter.

When will the next guilty plea or indictments come down from Mueller's investigation?  Time will tell and probably will be soon.  When it does, it just might be the one that points the finger at Trump clearly.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio