Friday, September 28, 2018

Confirmation Hearings For Judge Brett Kavanaugh: One Sane and Civil Witness and One Hysterical Witness

Thursday's hearing by the republican controlled Senate Judiciary Committee in their continuing hearings to confirm Trump's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court turned out to be another disaster in governing.  The republican led committee has mishandled the hearings from the very beginning and Thursday's hearing was their greatest failure.

The only bright spot was Dr. Ford, the witness who alleges Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her many years ago.  Her testimony under oath was calm, civil, quiet, fearful and she answered all the questions, even though she still experienced the pain of the event she described.  She even acknowledged there were some things she does not remember.  She was a believable and credible witness.

On the other hand, Judge Kavanaugh was hysterical in his comments, would not answer a number of questions, interrupted those asking the questions and appeared out of control.  To this writer, it appeared President Trump coached him how to act and be in complete denial.  He even aped the President when he attacked and blamed the Clintons for Thursday's hearings.  That's what Trump does the best, blame Clinton when anything goes wrong on his watch.

The republican chairman of the Committee did something never done before in such a confirmation hearing.  He hired someone out side of congress to interview a witness, a disregard of the committee's responsibility.  And republican Senator Lindsay Graham's maniac statement really exposed the GOP for what they are, cowards.  But those who follow politics know Graham's statement actually describe Graham himself and the GOP who refused to give President Obama's Supreme Court nominee a hearing.  A nominee could never be treated any worse than that.

The Republican rushed to judgement on Thursday's hearing and should have worked to have the FBI investigate the alleged acts with all concerned and any witness before scheduling the hearing.  The Democrats were right in their request to do so.  But the GOP was determined to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what.  Their failure at governing should be a wake up call for all Americans.

This writer believes Judge Kavanaugh's performance at Thursday's hearing disqualify him to be the next Supreme Court Justice.  He did not display the temperament, calm, civility or reasonable response of a Supreme Court Justice that has to make decisions that affect people's lives and the country for many years into the future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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