Sunday, September 30, 2018

Trump and The GOP Back Track: They Now Want The FBI To Investigate Dr. Ford's Allegations

After rejecting the Democrat's call for the FBI to investigate the allegations by Dr. Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over 2 weeks ago, the republican controlled Judiciary Committee asked President Trump to direct the FBI to investigate same.  The President did so and the reason why the republicans finally asked him to do so was because one of their republican members, Senator Jeff Flake said he would not vote for Kavanaugh before the full Senate without such investigation.

Trump, like his GOP, refused to have the FBI get involved before Friday and Senator Flake's statement.  And to top it all off, up until Flake made his position known, Trump and his ditto head GOP were pushing for a early vote and passage even though all the facts were not in.  The republican controlled committee and Trump were only concerned with confirming Kavanaugh in a partisan way and could care less about the sexual allegations.  Their actions were a total disregard for the democratic process of fair treatment.

Had Trump and the GOP heeded the democratic request to have the FBI step in early it would have moved the process along more quickly and orderly and the committee would have had an opportunity to avoid Thursday's circus with Kavanaugh's hysterical testimony.  But civility, character and courage are not in tuned with the republicans doctrine of ideology.  It is the reason they are unable to govern.  The doctrine of ideology rejects facts and sound judgement when in conflict.

Electing a democratic controlled congress in November is still the best avenue to reverse the failings of the GOP.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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