Thursday, November 15, 2018

On November 6, The American Voters Turned Their Backs On The Scare Tactics and Lies of Trump and The GOP

Scare tactics and lies about any and everything framed Trump and the GOP's campaign to keep control of both houses of congress in the Nov. 6 elections.  But the "blue wave" answered with a resounding vote at the polls to win back the House and in the process by a wide margin.  Trump and the GOP's reply was the usual voting fraud charges being thrown around concerning the results in Georgia, Florida and Arizona.  Overlooked was the character of the voters who had enough of the personal attacks, division and lack of any plans to deal with the issues at hand.  Trump even tried to float a middle class tax cut before the election but could not articulate any particulars.  It was just another ploy to get votes that did not work.

The results of the election will be a younger democratic House with new ideas toward progress.  Come January when the new congress will be sworn in the democrats will work to pass their agenda and will lead.  The republican controlled senate will have to react because they have no record of action on immigration, infrastructure, improving health care, reducing deficit spending, balancing the federal budget, protecting the environment and so many other issues important to the people.

So now Trump is once again talking about shutting the government down before the end of the year if congress does not approve funding for his border wall that he said Mexico would pay for.  Another threat by the President and the GOP because they govern by ideology.  The American people have heard that threat before from Trump and any shutdown will land the ball in his court.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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