Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The President and Commander In Chief Was AWOL On Veterans Day

America's President and Commander in Chiefs have a long history of paying tribute, honor and respect to our veterans every year on veterans day at Arlington National Cemetery just across the river,  a short distance from the White House.  It is a very somber event to acknowledge the sacrifice of our veterans with a wreath laying ceremony and Arlington is also the home of the tomb of the unknown solder.

But this veterans day was different this year as Donald Trump, President and Commander in Chief was AWOL and did not show up.  He stayed in the White House all day and tweeted about fraud in Florida's election a judge said did not exist.  On Saturday Trump also failed to show up at a cemetery in France on the 100 anniversary of WWI.  Allied troops are buried there including American troops who served during that war.  But the leaders of France, Britain, and Germany were there to pay tribute and respect to their falling troops and allied troops.

What happened at those two events speak loud and clear Trump's lack of respect for our veterans and their honorable service to the U.S.  It confirmed Trump's failure as Commander in Chief and once again reminded all of his dislike of American POW's who were captured while in combat.  And in Trumps almost two years in office he has yet to visit our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The President and Commander in Chief continues his malignant behavior and traitorous acts.  The White House and the Presidency itself has never been exposed to such shame.  This is the same person who skipped out during his generations war and the same person who does not want the written ballots of our military people counted in the Florida elections of November 6.

America needs to impeach this shameful and disrespectful President and Commander in Chief, and it should be done soon.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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