Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Commission of Presidential Debates Should Cancel The Remaining Debates.

 And the first Presidential debate between President Trump and Joe Biden tells the story why they should be cancelled.  Trump's maniac performance in the first debate brought enough shame and discredit to the White House and the Presidency and should never be allowed to repeat itself.  Civility should be the first order of business in the debates but everyone knows Trump has no respect for the word or for anyone or anything.

The Commission's response for changing the format for the next debate is unacceptable and unworkable because Trump will still be the maniac he is and disregard any changes.  Closing off his mike as a suggestion is a fairy tale.  No mike is necessary for him to continue his ravings, interruptions and bullying tactics.  There simply won't be any civil debate, the people will be viewing a rerun and nothing will be gained.

Its past time to control the mentally unfit President and deny him another platform to continue his unacceptable behavior.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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